Timothy - MT in Rwanda - Conflict Trauma & PTSD in the developing world


MA thesis discussion
Mapa Mental por bensaul, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por bensaul hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Timothy - MT in Rwanda - Conflict Trauma & PTSD in the developing world
  1. Definitions
    1. Sequaliae
      1. PTSD
        1. Flashbacks
        2. Personality disorder
      2. The developing world
        1. Ownership
          1. Concepts
            1. Critique
            2. Evidence base
              1. Effectiveness of MT
                1. Value of term PTSD
                2. MT
                  1. MT and PTSD
                    1. Critique of definitions
                    2. MT in the developing world
                      1. Charitable work in the developing world
                        1. Definitions. NGO/Private charity
                          1. Critique - Neo colonialism
                          2. Sutton
                            1. World music link
                              1. SOAS
                              2. Definitions
                              3. Measuring the presence of MT in the developing world? Too broad
                                1. What is the nature of MT delivered in these projects?
                                  1. What is the effect these MT charities perceive they have had?
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