Historiography (Edward's reign)


A-Level (Tudors) History Mapa Mental sobre Historiography (Edward's reign), creado por lottelou96 el 19/11/2013.
Mapa Mental por lottelou96, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por lottelou96 hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Historiography (Edward's reign)
  1. Government
    1. Jordan: 'Few monarchies in history have been as well equipped for their task as was Edward VI'
      1. Penry Williams: Edward was 'a cypher in politics'
        1. Hoak: Northumberland's political 'genius' was to see that his political survival and his continued dominance depended on his control of the Council
          1. Northumberland's reform of Privy Council procedures marked 'revival' of government by the Council (Hoak)
          2. Social policies
            1. Bush: Somerset's social programme was not particularly advanced and 'was in keeping with the age'
              1. The Vagrancy Act was a unpopular law that involved 'a savage attack on vagrants looking for work' - Heard
              2. Religion
                1. Loades: the Chantries Act was more significant as a gesture of reform than it was as an act of plunder
                  1. With the advent of the second Prayer Book the worship of the English Church could be described as fully reformed (Loades)
                    1. Hutton: the new service was introduced in every parish in the sample within the prescribed period of 1552-3
                      1. Jordan: ending the prayers for the dead was 'probably the most shattering and irreversible action of the Reformation in England
                        1. Guy: Northumberland's religious position was an 'enigma' (Tudor England). Northumblerland may have been influenced by 'public order considerations' as Protestantism more naturally lent itself to social control
                          1. Cranmer's significance, according to Loades, was 'not because he was a saint, or a great theologian, but because he was able to take the unique ecclesiastical polity devised in England between 1530-40, to develop it and make it work
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