

Energy Mind Map - Exam #1: Created by Riley Kennedy.
Mapa Mental por rkennedysurf, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por rkennedysurf hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Rules and Tools
    1. Scientific Notations and Prefixes
      1. Conversions
      2. Inherent Error
        1. Magnitude +- Unit
          1. Standard Deviation and Standard Error of the Mean
            1. Error Propagation
              1. BP Oil Spill Lab
            2. Sig Figs
              1. Scientific Process is messy!
                1. Lies, Damned Lies
                  1. Use critical reasoning!
                  2. Accuracy vs. Precision
                    1. Mystery Boxes
                  3. Energy in the Real World
                    1. "What You Need to Know about Energy"
                      1. Types of Energy Sources
                        1. Coal
                          1. 100s of years
                          2. Natural Gas
                            1. ~ 60 years
                            2. Alternatives
                              1. ~ 5 billion years
                              2. Nuclear
                                1. ~ 70 years
                                2. Oil
                                  1. Feul Energy Lab
                                3. Types of Energy
                                  1. Potential
                                    1. Mechanical
                                      1. Chemical
                                        1. Gravitational
                                          1. Electrical
                                            1. Nuclear
                                            2. Kinetic
                                              1. Motion
                                                1. Thermal
                                                  1. Sound
                                                    1. Electron Motion
                                                      1. Electromagnetic
                                                      2. Potential and Kinetic Energy Lab
                                                        1. KE =1/2mv^2
                                                          1. PEg = mgh
                                                        2. Energy is conserved...
                                                          1. but some is wasted as heat or sound.
                                                          2. U.S. Energy Grid
                                                            1. "The 21st Century Grid"
                                                              1. "10 Years After the Great Blackout... Weather"
                                                                1. Vulnerable
                                                                  1. Outdated
                                                                    1. "Squirrel Power"
                                                                      1. "Ideas to Bolster Power Grid... Many Owners"
                                                                        1. "As Worries ...Rise... Simuate Knockout Blow"
                                                                          1. "Wind Energy Bumps Into Power Grid's Limits"
                                                                            1. "Lifeline for Renewable Power"
                                                                            2. ENERGY DEBATE
                                                                              1. Oil Shale
                                                                                1. Electric Cars
                                                                              2. Energy on the Small Scale
                                                                                1. Circuits
                                                                                  1. Voltage, Current, Resistance
                                                                                    1. Ohm's Law
                                                                                      1. V = IR
                                                                                    2. Parallel and Series
                                                                                      1. Circuits Lab
                                                                                      2. Electricity and Magnets
                                                                                        1. Motors
                                                                                          1. Battery Motors Lab
                                                                                          2. Generators
                                                                                            1. Steam Power
                                                                                              1. Hydroelectric
                                                                                                1. Power Plants
                                                                                                  1. Lines, Substations, Transformer Drums
                                                                                                    1. Home or Business
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