Summer Fair 2016


Example of mind map for KS3
Mapa Mental por freddie.price, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por freddie.price hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Summer Fair 2016
  1. Pot Luck
    1. Sand
      1. 25kg
        1. £2.59
      2. Colanders
        1. 2
          1. £3.49 each
            1. Canteen?
          2. Plastic Cups
            1. £5.99 per pack
              1. 50 per pack
              2. 500 needed
              3. Prizes
                1. Chocolates/Sweets
                  1. 50 - 100 needed
                    1. 40 Multipack £5
                  2. Price per play
                    1. £1 a go
                      1. £2.50 for 3
                        1. 500 to sell
                      2. Sponge a Teacher
                        1. Bucket of Water
                          1. 2
                            1. Caretakers
                          2. 3 Sponges
                            1. 50p per sponge
                            2. Pedestal
                              1. Already got (last year)
                              2. Price
                              3. Raffle
                                1. Prizes
                                  1. Donations
                                    1. Bought
                                    2. Raffle Books/tickets
                                      1. Price
                                      2. Tuck Shop
                                        1. Sweets
                                          1. Drinks
                                          2. Tables
                                            1. Table Cloths
                                              1. 8m = £8.99
                                              2. Chairs
                                                1. Posters
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                                                  Basic Economic Ideas
                                                  Li Xuan Law
                                                  Enlightenment Thinkers
                                                  Enya Smileys
                                                  Mapa Mental
                                                  Ideas for learn English
                                                  ‫مشاعل الغزي‬‎
                                                  Unit 7.3 & 7.4 : Overview: Making of the Modern World
                                                  Ahmed Almohammed
                                                  unusual Ideas To Make a Buzz
                                                  anwar dhiaa
                                                  Entre el cielo y el infierno (Bésame mucho)
                                                  Bernardo De Niz
                                                  Dissertation - English GCSE reform
                                                  Stress in College Students
                                                  FIRST IDEAS
                                                  Soft Skills
                                                  Jennifer Humphreys