

AS Sociology
Mapa Mental por graceobadipe2304, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por graceobadipe2304 hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Durkheim
    1. Social solidarity
      1. Microcosm
        1. Specialist skills
          1. Value consensus
          2. Parsons
            1. Meritocracy
              1. Value consensus
                1. Particularistic standards
                  1. Ascribed status
                    1. Universalistic standards
                2. Davis & Moore
                  1. Role allocation
                    1. Sift & sorts
                    2. Inequality is necessary
                    3. Blau Ducan - Modern equality = Human capital workers
                      1. Meritocratic education is good.. allows each person to be allocated to a job best suited for them
                        1. Maximise productivity in the economy
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