Digestion, Absorption, and Metabolism


Mapa Mental sobre Digestion, Absorption, and Metabolism, creado por Jennifer Channon el 16/12/2022.
Jennifer Channon
Mapa Mental por Jennifer Channon, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jennifer Channon
Creado por Jennifer Channon hace más de 1 año

Resumen del Recurso

Digestion, Absorption, and Metabolism
  1. atoms to organisms


    • atoms -> molecule -> cells -> tissues-> organs -> organ system -> organism 
    1. Organ systems and their functions


      • The human body contains four types of tissue: muscle, nerve, epithelial, and connective. These tissues are organized in varying combinations into organs, which are discrete structures that perform specialized functions in the body 
      1. nervous


        • Brain, Spinal cord, and associated nerves
        • What it does: Responds to stimuli from the external and internal environments; conducts impulses to activate muscles and glands; integrates activities of other systems
        1. respiratory


          • lungs, trachea, and air passageways 
          • what it does; supplies the blood with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide 
          1. urinary


            • kidneys and their associated structures
            • what it does: eliminates wastes and regulates the balance of water, electrolytes and acid in the blood. 
            1. reproductive


              • testes, ovaries, and their associated structures 
              • what it does: produces offspring
              1. cardiovascular


                • heart and blood vessels
                • what it does: transports blood, which carries oxygen, nutrients and wastes 
                1. lymphatic/immue


                  • lymph and lymph structures, white blood cells
                  • what it does: defends against foreign invaders: picks up fluid leaked from blood vessels; transports fat- soluble nutrients 
                  1. muscular


                    • skeletal muscles 
                    • what it does: provide movement and structure
                    1. skeletal


                      • bones and joints 
                      • what it does: protects and supports the body: provides a framework for the muscles to use for movement 
                      1. endocrine


                        • pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, pancreas and other ductless glands
                        • what it does; secretes hormones that regulate processes such as growth, reproduction and nutrient use
                        1. integumentary


                          • skin, nails, hair, and sweat glands
                          • what it does: covers and protects the body; helps control body temperature 
                          1. digestive


                            • mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver and gall bladder
                            • Ingest and digests food; absorbs nutrients into the blood; eliminates unabsorbed food residues
                          2. the digestive system


                            • it has two functions: digestion and absoption. 
                            • digestion: the process of breaking food into components small enough to be absorbed into the body
                            • absorption: the process of taking substances into the interior of the body. 
                            1. gastrointestinal tract (GI tract)


                              • a hollow tube consisting of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus. 
                              1. mouth


                                • chews food and mixes it with saliva then moves to salivary galnds
                                1. salivary glands


                                  • produces saliva, which contains a starch-digesting hormone
                                  1. pharynx


                                    • swallows chewed food mixed with saliva
                                    1. esophagus


                                      • moves food to the stomach
                                      1. stomach


                                        • churns and mixes food; secretes acid and a protein-digesting enzyme
                                        1. liver


                                          • makes bile, which aids in digestion and absorption of fat. 
                                          1. pancreas


                                            • releases bicarbonate to neutralize intestinal contents; produces enzymes that digest carbohydrate, protein and fat. 
                                            1. gallbladder


                                              • stores bile and relaeases it into the small intestine when needed
                                              1. small intestine


                                                • completes digestion; absorbs nutrients into blood or lymph
                                                1. large intestine


                                                  • absorbs water and some vitamins and minerals; home to intestinal bacteria; passes waste material- includes the colon and rectum
                                                  1. anus


                                                    • opens to allow waste to leave the body. 
                                                  2. structure of the gut wall


                                                    • contains four layers of tissue. lining the lumen is the mucosa, a layer of mucosal cells that serves as a protective layer and is responsible for the absorption of the end products of digestion. 
                                                    • surrounding the mucosa is a layer of connective tissue containing nerves and blood vessels. this layer provides support, delivers nutrients to the mucosa and provides the nerve signals that control secretions and muscle contractions. 
                                                    • layers of smooth muscle surround the connective tissue and mixes food, breaks it into smaller particles and propels it through the digestive tract.
                                                    • the final, external layer is also made up of connective tissue and provides support and protection
                                                    1. digestive secretions


                                                      • digestion inside the lumen of the GI tract is aided by digestive secretions. One of these secretions is mucus, a viscous material produced by the cells in the mucosal lining in the gut.  Mucus moistens, lubricates, and protects the digestive tract. 
                                                      1. enzymes


                                                        •  another component of digestive system secretions, are protein molecules that speed up chemical reactions without themselves being consumed or changed by the reactions
                                                        • In digestion, enzymes accelerate the breakdown of nutrients. Different enzymes are needed for the breakdown of different nutrients.
                                                      2. barrier function


                                                        • the protective rile that the gastrointestinal cells have in limiting the absorption of harmful substances and disease-causing organisms. 
                                                        •     Phagocytes – first immune response, targets invaders -       Lymphocytes – produce and create antibodies
                                                        1. antigen


                                                          • a foreign substance (almost always a protein) that, when introduces into the body, stimulates an immune response.  
                                                          1. anti bodies


                                                            • proteins produced by cells of the immune system that destroy of inactivate foreign substances in the body. 
                                                        2. enzymes
                                                          1. salivary amylase


                                                            • found in the mouth: breaks starch (a larger carb molecule) into smaller carbohydrate molecules 
                                                            1. rennin


                                                              • found in the stomach: causes the milk protein casein to curdle
                                                              1. pepsin


                                                                • breaks proteins into polypeptides and amino acids
                                                                1. trypsin


                                                                  • found in the pancreas: breaks proteins and polypeptides into shorter polypeptides
                                                                  1. chymotrypsin


                                                                    • Breaks proteins and polypeptides into shorter polypeptides.
                                                                    1. carboxypeptidase


                                                                      • Breaks polypeptides into amino acids.
                                                                      1. Pancreatic lipase


                                                                        • Breaks triglycerides into monoglycerides, fatty acids, and glycerol.
                                                                        1. pancreatic amylase


                                                                          • Breaks starch into shorter glucose chains and maltose.
                                                                          1. Carboxypeptidase, aminopeptidase, and dipeptidase


                                                                            • found in the small intestine: breaks polypeptides into amino acids
                                                                            1. lipase


                                                                              • breaks monoglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol
                                                                              1. sucrase


                                                                                • breaks sucrose into glucose and fructose 
                                                                                1. lactase


                                                                                  • breaks lactose into glucose and galactose 
                                                                                  1. maltase


                                                                                    • breaks maltose into glucose
                                                                                    1. dextrinase


                                                                                      • breaks short chains of glucose into individual glucose molecules 
                                                                                    2. regulation of gastrointestinal function


                                                                                      • nerve signals help regulate the GI tract. The sight and smell of food, as well as the presence of food in the gut, stimulate nerves throughout the GI tract. 
                                                                                      • Nerve signals cause muscle contractions that churn, mix, and propel food through the gut at a rate that allows  for optimal absorption of nutrients, 
                                                                                      • the nerves can also communicate with the brains so digestive activity can be coordinated with other body needs 
                                                                                      1. hormones


                                                                                        • produced both by cells lining the dddigestive tract and by a number of accessory organs. 
                                                                                        •  Chemical messengers that are produced in one location, released into the blood, and elicit responses at other locations in the body.
                                                                                        1. Gastrin


                                                                                          • comes from the stomach mucosa: it stimulate the secretion of HCL and pepsinogen by gastric glands in the stomach and increases gastric motility and emptying 
                                                                                          1. somatostatin


                                                                                            • comes from the stomach and duodenal mucosa: it inhibits the following stomach secretion, motility, and emptying, pancreatic secretion, absorption in the small intestine; gallbladder contraction and bile release
                                                                                            1. secretin


                                                                                              • comes from the duodenal mucosa\; it inhibits gastric secretion and motility; increase output of water and bicarbonate from the pancreas' increase bile output from the liver
                                                                                              1. cholecystokinin (CCK)


                                                                                                • stimulates contraction of the gallbladder to expel bile; increase output of enzyme-rich pancreatic juice. 
                                                                                                1. gastric inhibitory peptide


                                                                                                  • inhibits gastric secretion and motility. 
                                                                                              2. the cardiovascular system
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