Languages in Spain


The official languages in Spain, the benefits and problems of bilingualism.
Carolina Vallès Illingworth
Mapa Mental por Carolina Vallès Illingworth, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Carolina Vallès Illingworth
Creado por Carolina Vallès Illingworth hace alrededor de 2 años

Resumen del Recurso

Languages in Spain
    1. Catalan
      1. Oficial language in Catalonia, Balearic Islands and Valencia
      2. Galician
        1. Oficial language in Galicia
        2. Basque
          1. Oficial language in Baque and Navarre
          2. Bable
            1. Asturian language, unfortunately not many people speak it
          3. PROBLEMS
            1. DIGLOSIA
              1. When one of the languages in contact is considered better social status and the one considered low status is just used in family enviroment
              2. POLITICAL INFLUENCE
                1. Franco dictatorship, the prohibitation of regional languages in the public sphere
                  1. PRESERVE AND RECOVER
                    1. Language normalization policies to preserve a language
                      1. Education
                        1. Official institutions
                          1. Media
                        1. Bilingual children tend to have more language problems and take a little longer to speak
                      3. BENEFITS
                        1. COGNITIVE
                          1. Mental flexibility (task switching)
                            1. Increased intelectual flexibility
                            2. EDUCATIONAL
                              1. Highter academic achievement
                                1. Leads to increased levels of creativity
                                  1. Easier to learn other languages
                                  2. ECONOMIC
                                    1. More job opportunities
                                      1. Competitiveness in the job market
                                      2. SOCIO-CULTURAL
                                        1. Cultural richness
                                          1. Promotes Global awareness
                                        2. SPANISH
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                                          Speech Community
                                          Eider Azpiroz Loidi
                                          APPLIED SOCIOLINGUISTICS
                                          Manuel Alejandro Agudelo Guerrero
                                          Problems in a sociolinguistic research
                                          Jose Blazquez
                                          1_Speech Community
                                          Eider Azpiroz Loidi
                                          Marian muñoz
                                          Diccionario de Historia de España para Selectividad
                                          maya velasquez
                                          La acentuación de diptongos, triptongos e hiatos
                                          Elisa Tormo Guevara
                                          Guía Rápida para Comenzar a Usar GoConqr
                                          Diego Santos
                                          EL UNIVERSO Y EL SISTEMA SOLAR
                                          ROSA MARIA ARRIAGA
                                          La educación física durante toda la historia
                                          MAPA MENTAL ISO 14001: 2015
                                          JENNY NARANJO