to uses the HBM to explain
mothers adherence to a
drug regimen for their
asthmatic children
correlation between
beliefs reported during
interviews and
compliance with self
reported administration
of medication
blood test also used to test
level of medication; this
confirmed the validity of the
mothers' answers in interview
111 mothers responsible for
administrating medication.
Aged 17-54.
children aged from 9 months to 17 years
each mother interviewed for 45 mins; asked
questions about their perception of child's
susceptibility to illness and asthma, their beliefs
about how serious asthma is, how much their child's
asthma interfered with education, caused
embarrassment and interfered with mother's
activities. Also questioned about their faith in
doctors and effectiveness of medication
positive correlation
between mothers belief
about child's
susceptibility to asthma
attacks and compliance
with medical regimen
positive correlation between
mother's perception of child having
serious asthma condition and her
administrating medication
costs which negative
correlated with compliance
were disruption of daily
activities, inaccessibility of
chemists, child complaining
about medication and
prescribed schedule
2 demographic variables correlated with
compliance were marital status and
HBM is a useful model to predict and explain
different levels of compliance with medical