Darwin: some emotions have universal facial impression > facial muscles can reveal our true emotions involuntarily
(we canot control these muscles) > it's hard to hide true emotions
Reliable facial muscles: Facial actions that aren´t easily controlled by most people
Leakage of felt emotions: When parts of an expression occur (rapidly), betraying how a person feels even if that person is attempting to conceal their feelings
Lie continuum:
Differences between expressed emotions and truly felt emotions
the facial expression looks different when emotion is truly felt than when it is faked (different muscle
Fake smile: movements associated with fear, sadness or disgust
Duchenne smile: sincere smile, Orbicularis Oculi muscles are activated (laughing eyes) + Zygomatic major.
Left frontal EEG activation (positive affect)
Duration and speed of
onset, abruptness
Micro facial expressions
Fake emotions start and end abruptly and
last too long
True emotions last ~0.7 to 4 sec.
Emotions are more intensely expressed on
the left side of the face! > Sincere emotions
are asymmetrical! (Except happiness)
True smiles are more symmetrical
Facial expression will be consistent with
the content of speech
The context, usual manner, internal
Lying cues: hesitation, changes in
emphasis, speech errors and
distancing language
Changes in the frequency or tempo of gestures
Experiment: Weaknesses: Based on high-stakes lies in laboratory setting with little preparation -> In real
world people are more practiced in lies
Hand gestures
Speech- gesture realtionship: Aid
comprehension for the listener
Illustrators / Ideational gestures
improve the listener´s attention, recognition, understanding and
memory about the content > clarify the content
iconic &metaphoric gestures, related
to the semantic content / concurrent
Conversational gestures (without relation
to semantic content)
rhytmic & cohersive gestures
linked to speech structure
Self-addressed (touch own
Object- addressed (contact with
Person -addressed
associated with anxiety, soemtimes
with deception
AIM: how gestures affect the perception of th
espeaker and message and persuasion
DVs: coomunicative effectiveness,
composure, comptenece, warmth of
speaker and persuasiveness of message
Hand gesture type affected some
factors of speaker evaluation,
interpersonal perception and
Ideational gestures are more effective
than adaptors (object-addressed and
speaker seems more competent, has
more effective communicaiton style and
sending a more persuasive message
Generally, linked-to-speech
gestures (ideational &
conversational) influence the
message evaluation and
judgements about the speaker
more than non-linked-to-speech
(adaptor) gestures. > Namely, they
improve perceived speaker
Weaknesses: (1) using a
positive messgae in the
manipulatiom, (2) relations
among DVs, (3) cross-
cultural comparisnon is
can also provide information
about the speaker
e.g. social abilites
2 dimensions underlying judgment:
Warmth, friendliness, sociability
Agency, competence, efficacy
Communication style is a way to affect perceptions of speaker´s features
Nonverbal characteristics inluence the perceptions of credibility, persuasiveness, competency or
effectiveness of the speaker
NV styles also influence likeablesness, competence, powerfulness, anxiety...
NVB: hihg speech volume and speech rate, high eye contact > liking > persuasiveness