Simple Present Verb Be


Inglés Mapa Mental sobre Simple Present Verb Be, creado por Carolina Oquendo el 18/07/2023.
Carolina Oquendo
Mapa Mental por Carolina Oquendo, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Carolina Oquendo
Creado por Carolina Oquendo hace más de 1 año

Resumen del Recurso

Simple Present Verb Be
  1. Interrogative Form
    1. Question Words
      1. These questions are made when we want to know specific information like a date, a place, a person, a thing.
        1. When
          1. When is your birthday?
          2. Where
            1. Where are they?
            2. Who
              1. Who is your mom?
              2. What
                1. What's this?
            3. Yes/No questions
              1. These questions are named in that way because the answer is going to be either yes or no
                1. I
                  1. Are you from Bolivia? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
                  2. You
                    1. Are you in Sucre? Yes, we are. / No, we aren't.
                    2. We
                      1. Are we in this class? Yes, you are. / No, you aren't.
                      2. They
                        1. Are they in the kitchen? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.
                        2. She / He/ It
                          1. Is he a soccer player? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.
                    3. This is one of the primary and most essential verbs in the English language.
                      1. Affirmative Form
                        1. This form has three ways, depending on the personal pronoun.
                          1. I
                            1. 'm / am
                              1. I'm 30 years old. I am an English teacher.
                            2. You / We
                              1. are / 're
                                1. You are my professor. We're colleagues.
                              2. It / She/ He
                                1. 's / is
                                  1. It's Monday. She is my best friend. He's my uncle.
                            3. Negative Form
                              1. The negative form is very easy to learn. There are three ways according to the personal pronouns.
                                1. You / We
                                  1. aren't / are not / 're not
                                    1. You aren't my classmate. We are not friends. You're not my students.
                                  2. It/ He / She
                                    1. 's not / isn't / is not
                                      1. It's not a mosquito. He isn't my friend. She is not my sister.
                                    2. I
                                      1. am not / 'm not
                                        1. I am not Fernanda. I'm not Brazilian
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