Julia the Elder


Julia the Elder.
Bryelle Curry
Mapa Mental por Bryelle Curry, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Bryelle Curry
Creado por Bryelle Curry hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Julia the Elder
  1. Who? What? When? Where? How? Why?
    1. Who was Julia the Elder? She was the daughter and only biological child of Augustus, the first emperor of the Roman Empire.
      1. What was Julia the Elder? One theory was that Tiberius had Julia the Elder starved to death. Another theory is that after finding out her last surviving son had been murdered, and she succumbed disappeared.
        1. When was Julia the Elder alive? She was born 30 October 39 BC and died AD 14 at the age of 53.
          1. Where was Julia the Elder? Julian the Elder lived in the Roman Empire.
            1. Why was Julia the Elder known? She was Augustus' biological daughter and she had three marragies.
            2. Why is this topic important? This topic is important because of the fact that Julia was unfairly treated by her father.
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