Identity= (Often defined as how you see yourself)


the mindmap thingy
Mapa Mental por blessingseriki, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por blessingseriki hace casi 9 años

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Identity= (Often defined as how you see yourself)
  1. class
    1. class= a group who share similar economic and social situation
      1. working class
        1. traditionally seen as the majority of the population
          1. stereotypically seen as "hard-working, straight-talking, salt of the earth'
          2. middle class
            1. nowadays seen as the majority of the population
              1. stereotypically are people with professional or managerial careers
              2. views on class
                1. feminism
                  1. gender inequality; women earn less and gain less power than men
                    1. working class women perform unpaid labour such as running a household
                    2. marxism
                      1. conflict between social classes caused by power
                        1. society benefits rich and powerful; this would mean the upper class is benefitted most
                          1. popular culture distracts the lower classes from the class inequality
                          2. Functionalism
                            1. society benefits everyone of all social classes
                              1. the class system and roles in classes are needed to keep society running smoothly
                            2. studies on class
                              1. Mackintosh and mooney (2004) says upper class has invisibility due to social closure
                                1. upper class seperate themselves from the 'visible' (middle-lower class)
                                  1. this is through private education, exclusive clubs and uncommonly known activities eg: the theatre
                            3. Age
                              1. the world is run by adults and it is mostly young people and older people whose identities are the most negatively affected
                                1. due to lack of status and power
                                2. age is looked at chronologically & in stages
                                  1. the problem with looking at stages is that the ages at which they start and end vary
                                    1. stages can be seen as socially constructed
                                  2. views on age
                                    1. Feminism
                                      1. Women are judged by factors such as age
                                        1. Society favours young and young-looking women over aged women
                                        2. Marxism
                                          1. Ageist conflict is necessary along togetherness
                                            1. adults have the most power, children are negatively treated in society; adults benefit the most
                                          2. Functionalism
                                            1. Age has no matter on social benfits
                                              1. children and adults shall remain with different treatment to benefit society
                                            2. studies on age
                                              1. Postman (1982) studied the creation of the 'innocent child'
                                                1. rise in adults shielding their children from dangers when they are young, such as sexuality and death
                                                  1. as media and tech. emerged and spreads, the 'innocent child' is slowly disappearing
                                                2. Bradley (1996) says middle aged people have more power and control over people, as some are the leaders of countries
                                                  1. Middle age has a higher status in society than youth and old age
                                              2. Ethnicity
                                                1. ethnicity relates to the sharing of similar socialisation and cluture within a group of people in an area
                                                  1. it is a combination of responding to our environment and passing info down via GENES
                                                    1. tropical & temperate climates
                                                    2. hybrid identities
                                                      1. hybrid identity= somesone's sense of who they are is a mixture of 2 or more influences
                                                        1. eg: A person may identify as British, but also Muslim and Pakistani
                                                          1. this can be seen most clearly within electricity, nationality and identitty
                                                        2. national identities
                                                          1. national identity= (in a wider context) the identity of a whole country
                                                            1. national identity individually is often expressed through supporting your national team
                                                          2. Marxism
                                                            1. conflict between people due to ethnicity is needed; when there is equality
                                                              1. the ideal ethnicity, which in most western countries is white people, would be given more benefits by society
                                                            2. labelling theory
                                                              1. western cultures may label those with an ethnicity they "disagree with"
                                                                1. these labels can be counted as racial slurs, and can be derogatory towards theior entire ethnicity
                                                                2. impression management
                                                                  1. in communities of multiple ethnicities, many would keep to themselves
                                                                    1. if their community has a dominating ethnicity, they would act more as their true selves
                                                                    2. hewitt (2005) studied the negative perception of multiculturalism
                                                                      1. attempts of ethnic equality had been met with anger from the white community, who view it as "unfair"
                                                                        1. white working-class people specifically were noted to defend their ethnicity from ethnic minorities
                                                                      2. Winston James (1993)
                                                                        1. Experience of racism unified identites of African-Caribbeans
                                                                          1. their unified cukture adopted the label "black" to prevent racism in the UK
                                                                        2. Gender
                                                                          1. gender= something fluid and changing
                                                                            1. gender has changed over time much to the approval and disapproval to others
                                                                              1. femiinists
                                                                                1. gender equality does not exists because society is patriarchal
                                                                                  1. secondary socialisation can bw harmful to women eg: cause body image issues
                                                                                  2. marxists
                                                                                    1. popular and mass culture distract society from gender inequality
                                                                                      1. conflict theory; gender inequalty is necessary
                                                                                        1. society benefits those with power
                                                                                          1. partriarchal society
                                                                                    2. some argue that gender is based on biological differences between male and female
                                                                                      1. however most sociologists argue that it is socially constructed
                                                                                      2. labelling theory
                                                                                        1. gender roles are to be allowed
                                                                                          1. rejecting such roles (deviance) can allow negative labelling for both males and females
                                                                                            1. labels could link to such aspects of one, such as their abilities or sexuality (eg: a man may get negatively labelled as "gay" if he is said to enjoy traditionally feminine activities
                                                                                              1. masculinity (two types)
                                                                                                1. agressive masculinity
                                                                                                  1. hegemory masculinity
                                                                                                    1. socially desirable middle class
                                                                                                  2. Functionalism
                                                                                                    1. society benefits everyone in different ways, no matter their gender
                                                                                                      1. Gender roles are vital in society; they ensure that society run smoothly and at its best
                                                                                                    2. studies on gender
                                                                                                      1. Parsons (1995) DATED
                                                                                                        1. females have an expressive role in family: natural but reinforced by socialisation
                                                                                                          1. males have an instrumental role in family; natural but reinforced by socialisation
                                                                                                        2. mac an ghaill (1994) DATED
                                                                                                          1. focuses on hyper-masculinity among males (aggresive)
                                                                                                      2. sexuality
                                                                                                        1. with other spects of identity, it tends to be more significant for those who are not heterosexual
                                                                                                          1. sexualtiy is a label given due to who on a category of gender, one would find sexually or romatically attractive
                                                                                                            1. feminism
                                                                                                              1. heteronormativity is still the 'norm'
                                                                                                                1. women are sexualised for men in the media
                                                                                                                  1. porno and prostitution linked to Domestic violence + rape in society
                                                                                                                2. Marxism
                                                                                                                  1. society is distracted by popular culture; distracts from issues with non-heterosexual individuals
                                                                                                                    1. conflict theory; heteronormativity versus diverse sexual orientations
                                                                                                                    2. Functionalism
                                                                                                                      1. roles ensure society running smoothly; this can include the role of heteronormativity
                                                                                                                        1. traditional nuclear family (one mum, one dad) is believed to be best
                                                                                                                        2. labeling theory
                                                                                                                          1. due to heteronormality, people who are 'out' as non-heterosexual are given the label of their orientation
                                                                                                                            1. this can be seen as a negative label and can become their master status
                                                                                                                            2. they would only be recognised as their sexuality
                                                                                                                            3. studies on gender
                                                                                                                              1. Weeks (1991) argues that sexual identification is a strange thing and more complex than other aspects of identity
                                                                                                                                1. Rich (1980) says women's sexuality is oppressed by the patiarchy (males)
                                                                                                                                  1. lesbian identity is erased; it is seen as a threat to males or 'sexy'
                                                                                                                                    1. women took part in 'compulsory heterosexuality; they are socialised into a heterosexual role for men
                                                                                                                                    2. Mcintoshe (1996)
                                                                                                                                    3. a song about sexuality is Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At The Disco. duh.
                                                                                                                                    4. culture
                                                                                                                                      1. way of life. looked at by structurlists
                                                                                                                                        1. collection of norms and values
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