Identity (how
you are shown in
society and seen
by others)
a social construct, created to set lables,
norms and values to a person because of
their biological sex.
men need to be manly , the bread winner, and the protector
women are made to be kind caring and maternal because they are needed to be mothers.
these norms and values have
been labelled 'gender roles' and
the definition of gender roles
has changed over time
feminininty was linked to the role of the house wife.
women reproduce, maintan and support capitalism.
by having children, by providing them
children with the norms and values of
popular and mass culture distract society from gender inequality
conflict theory; gender inequality is necessary
society benifits those with power; in a
patriarchal society, that would be males
getting the benifits.
society benefits everyone in different ways, no matter their gender
gender roles are vital in society; they ensure that society id run smoothly and at its best.
post modernism
norms and values in gender are always changing; equality is improving.
gender diversity (the rise of transgender and non-binary identities) is
becoming visible; altering modern days gender roles.
Aggressive masculinity
hegemony massculinity
middle class massculinity
labelling theory
gender roles are to be followed
*females have an 'expresive role' in family; natural but reinforced by socialisation
Males have an 'instrumental role' in family ; natural but reinforced by socialisation
These roles are considered funtional for society and family
Mac An Ghail
focuses on 'hyoer - masculinity' among males
this includes policing their own and others sexualities
nothing the insecurity of working-class men(labbled, the crisis of masculinity) aa theor identrity as breadwinner is lost
women adopting 'laddishness' - a form of masculinity
these women, labelled 'laddettes', performing risky acts such
as smoking, drinking, swearing and being a disruptive person
they fear they might be seen as uncool and ended up popular if they do
not take part in such activities
point out how women are portraied through
their sexuality, as sexual objects to fantasise
hetronormativity is still the norm
becoming more accpeted now
looking glass self
many non hetrosexual individuals still think that
how they would be percived by other is in a negative
young individuals would examine how others uses their
sexuality relevent labels such as 'gay' (if they identify as such)
with that meaning
if the meaning is negative, they wold think of that aspect of
themselves negitivley
used as a way to identify, represents a person
a lable given due to
who, on a category of
gender, one would find
sexually or
romantically attractive
society is distracted by popular culture; distracts
frm the issues with on- hetronormativity
cconflic theory; hetronormativity
versus diverse sexual orientations.
roles ensure society running
smoothly; this can include the
role of hetronormativity
the tradition nuclear family (one mother, one father)
is believe to be the best type of family
post modernism
sexual diversity establishing among society
hetronormativity is breaking down; more rights
to no-heterosexual individuals
media stars normalising homosexual relationships
labelling theory
due to hetronormativity, people who are 'out' as
non homosexual are given a label of being 'gay' or
this can been seen as a negative label and can become their
master status, they would only be recognised by their
impresion management
many homosexual individuals would
either conform to their social stereo
types or hide them if they were to
relate to such
if they are not 'out' they would create
a fake persona in society ( their front
religion) and only acknowledge them
true self in private (their back
sexual identification is a strange thing
sexuality is more complex than
other aspects of identity
people may or may not participate in sexual activity
with those they are sexually attrcted to
womens sexuality is oppressed by the patriarchy
This is by objectification and sexual violence/rape
women took part in 'compolsary hetrosexuality' ; they are socialised into
hetro sexual role for men
lesbian identity is erased; it is seen as a threat to males
claiming that homosexual men fill a
'homosexual role' in western cultures
homosexual males are given certain stereotypes on their
characteristics ( higher pitched voice, increase in vanity,ect)
males who were openly homosexual were shown to have few
or all characteristics stereotyped
can give status and power
given titles
constructed as a period of innocence
12-15, transition from childhood to adult
hood, some cultures do not recognise this
characterised with carrer and family
old age
aging bodies are represented as ugly
in the uk, giving elderly people this
idea of ugly to identify with.
measured through income,
possesion, house, lifestyle,
holidays, television, dress, accent,
norms and values and occupation
effect how people see them self and how
others see them as it gives a sense of power or
can now be defined by what we buy not what we do
children would live under their
parents class untill they started to
earn a living themselves
conflict between social classes caused by power
society benefits rich and powerfull; this would mean the upper class
generates expectations of behaviour
a social system, used used
more decades ago that
seperated people due to the
different class levels
national identity
expressed through supporting your
national team, taking pride during the
national anthem or carring your national
hybrid identity
someone's sense of who they are.
a mixture of two or more influences
eg. an individual may have an
identity as British but also Muslim.
their identity is a hybrid of both
British and Asian ethnicity.
made up of religion, language,
where we live, ethnic origin, skin
colour and so on.
culture is a way of life, it is looked at
because it is an individual