The Future In 2035


Se encuentra el futuro en sus dos carasdiferentes
Johan Beltran6944
Mapa Mental por Johan Beltran6944, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Johan Beltran6944
Creado por Johan Beltran6944 hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Future In 2035
  1. In 2035 will have less war
    1. In 2035 probably will there the cars will fly
      1. In 2035 the television be will in 4D
        1. In 2035 the study will be electronic (Computer, tablets)
          1. In 2035 the humanity will be most reasonable
            1. In 2035 the houses will be the glass
              1. In 2035 Colombia will be a country developed
                1. In 2035 the humanity will dissapear
                  1. In 2035 The wars will continue
                    1. In the 2035 the country will dissapear
                      1. In 2035 the study will be denied
                        1. In 2035 the television will be scorned
                          1. In 2035 the study will be deserted
                            1. In 2035 the planet dissapear :(
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