The Use of Ict in English Teaching-Learning Processes


Mapa Mental sobre The Use of Ict in English Teaching-Learning Processes, creado por Gisell Suarez el 10/04/2024.
Gisell Suarez
Mapa Mental por Gisell Suarez, actualizado hace 10 meses
Gisell Suarez
Creado por Gisell Suarez hace 10 meses

Resumen del Recurso

The Use of Ict in English Teaching-Learning Processes
  1. Improving Writing Literacies through Digital Gaming Literacies: Facebook Gaming in the Composition Classroom
    1. Facebook, gaming, and composition literacies
      1. Our students not only communicate through Facebook, but they also play Facebook games.
        1. Mafia Wars
          1. Mafia Wars is a casual game on Facebook that involves joining a fictional mafia family with Facebook friends and fighting against other mafias
      2. Commitment, problem solving and collaboration.
        1. Commitment
          1. Problem solving and questioning.
            1. Collaboration and audience
              1. Collaboration in digital literacies involves networking and communicating with others through a digital medium
                1. Mafia wars and income
                  1. While gaming through social media is a fun way for some gamers to entertain themselves, this gaming platform was developed as a means to make money for both Zynga and Facebook.
                2. When students participate in games or composition, they use problem-solving skills
                3. In composition, we want our students to have the same enthusiasm for playing these games as they do for our assignments.
            2. Mobile Learning to Improve Writing in ESL Teaching
              1. A text genre is determined by the culture in which the text is used. For this reason, different cultures achieve their goals through language in different ways.
                1. The functional-systemic approach
                  1. Gender Pedagogical Approach (GPA)
                    1. Method
                      1. Research, which through processes quantitative and qualitative or mixed analyzes in depth
                      2. Writing skills in a foreign language focus on the ability to construct grammatical structures
                      3. Conceives language as a resource to construct, elaborate and explain meanings
                  2. A Mobile-based Learning Tool to Improve Writing Skills of EFL Learners.
                    1. Wireless communication technology is growing rapidly and has produced advanced computing devices that are still evolving.
                      1. Error Analysis of English Writing
                        1. Grammatical Category and Error Analysis.
                          1. Learners trends of error analysis seem to focus on studying . The actual learrning samples can provide a fairly good idea of the learners in terms of their competence
                          2. Error Handling
                            1. Learners´s sentences are sent to the system on the server for automatic scoring.
                              1. Types of grammatical errors
                                1. Morphology
                                  1. Syntax
                                    1. Content
                                2. Mobile-bases English Learning Tool
                                  1. System Overview
                                    1. A mobile device is equipped only with a user interface
                                    2. App Interface
                                      1. The design of user interface for the app is complete and will be implemented with further work
                              2. Exploring Classroom Microblogs to Improve Writing of Middle School Students
                                1. Many of today’s adolescents are constantly engaging with information through texting, watching videos, listening to music, and even writing papers. Learning to interact properly with information through writing presents a challenge for the students because they are employing all of these applications at once and believe that they are multitasking successfully
                                  1. Conceptual Framework
                                    1. There was a shift in the view of the writing process even before technology became a major competitor
                                    2. Literature Review
                                      1. Microblogging
                                        1. Messages or microblogging serve as a major component of social networks such as Edmodo, an educational, social media site that employs microblogging. Microblogging consists of short.
                                          1. Purpose
                                            1. The purpose of this study was to explore how adolescent students use microblogging in their formal writing practices in an English class.
                                        2. Methods
                                          1. This study was conducted as a qualitative exploratory case study
                                            1. Setting of the Study
                                              1. Participants
                                                1. Procedures
                                                  1. Research Questions
                                                    1. Instruments
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