Set Notation


Mapa Mental sobre Set Notation, creado por sanyusu el 04/11/2015.
Mapa Mental por sanyusu, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por sanyusu hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Set Notation
  1. set notation:
    1. a collection of things
      1. each item in a set is called an “element” or member
        1. written in curly brackets { }
        2. soccer = {alex, casey, drew} tennis = {drew, jade, hunter}
          1. soccer u tennis = {alex, casey, drew, jade, hunter}
        3. interval notation
          1. ( ] → not including integer, is including integer
            1. ( ) → not including integer
              1. [ ] → is including integer
              2. different notations:
                1. numbers
                  1. N - natural numbers
                    1. Q - rational numbers
                      1. R - all rational/irrational numbers
                        1. Z - integers
                        2. unions, elements, subsets
                          1. unions
                            1. ∪ - union
                              1. ∩ intersection
                              2. elements
                                1. ∅ -null set, no elements
                                  1. ∈ - is an element of
                                    1. ∉ - belongs to
                                    2. subsets:
                                      1. ⊂ - is a proper subset
                                        1. ⊄ - is not a proper subset
                                          1. ⊆ - is a subset
                                            1. ⊊ - is not a subset
                                          2. extras:
                                            1. ∶ and| - such that
                                              1. ∴ - therefore
                                                1. ∋ - contains
                                                  1. ∀ - for all
                                                    1. # -order or cardinality of a set
                                                      1. ∃ - there exists
                                                        1. A' or A∁ - complement of A
                                                      2. number lines:
                                                        1. o → hollow circle = doesn’t include the integer
                                                          1. • → filled in circle = includes integer
                                                            1. divide or multiply with - = flip the sign <>
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