Café Rio Tinto


das cafr
Adam Pirzer
Mapa Mental por Adam Pirzer, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Adam Pirzer
Creado por Adam Pirzer hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Café Rio Tinto
  1. Social responsibility
    1. Enviromental
      1. minimize waste products
        1. no one time usable dishes
          1. Recycling
      2. High quality coffee
        1. produced in Brazil
          1. Farm: Fazenda São Silvestre
            1. Ismael & Eduardo Andrade
              1. Bourbon Típica Yellow Icatú
                1. produced organically
                  1. result in high quality product
          2. Culture
            1. Brazil
              1. Coffee Tradition
                1. Exhibition
                  1. Gallery
                  2. Dancing performances
                    1. Lessons
                2. Finances
                  1. Finance Plan
                  2. Staff
                    1. relatives
                      1. not high wage
                        1. good working conditions
                          1. manageable workload
                            1. Open Spaces
                              1. Worker Safety
                                1. Consistent Communication
                              2. special qualifications
                              3. Equipment
                                1. Furniture
                                  1. create South American vibe
                                  2. produce coffee
                                  3. Location
                                    1. Lissabon
                                      1. Lissabon- Sào Paulo
                                        1. 7892.8 Kilometers
                                          1. oversea transport
                                        2. 154m squared
                                          1. owners
                                      2. Type of company
                                        1. Partnership consisting of 3 people
                                          1. Saif-specialised in the production of Coffee
                                            1. Jai- contacts in Brazil
                                              1. Adam-Business Manager
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                                            must, had to, mustn't oder don't need to
                                            On schedule (Unit 3)
                                            Gjylferije Murat
                                            IELTS- Vokabeln
                                            Antonia C
                                            English Idioms
                                            Kasia Cz
                                            Collocation - Business English - EBC - WU
                                            Geht euch nichts an
                                            Englisch Lernwortschatz A1-C1 Part 5
                                            Chiara Braun
                                            reading: social networking + -
                                            Maria Minkowitsch