Internet 4


Mapa Mental sobre Internet 4, creado por Ben-wright el 05/11/2015.
Mapa Mental por Ben-wright, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Ben-wright hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Internet 4
  1. Key terms
    1. Network – A group of computers which are connected together by communication channels and which have the capability of sending and/or receiving information between them.
      1. Protocol – Communications protocol is a set of rules which allows a computer system to connect with a different system to transfer data.
        1. Ethernet – An Ethernet cable is used to connect a user to a network.
          1. Bandwidth – Is a way of measuring how much data can be carried over a network.
            1. Bit – Is the amount of data transferred within a unit of time (i.e. bits per second).
            2. Bandwidth is a measure of the available capacity of a network (to carry data) measured in bits per second
              1. The transmission rate is a measure of the number of pieces of information that have been transferred during a specific time period, usually also measured in bits per second. A high bandwidth means more information can be carried in a given time, so a higher transmission rate is achieved. Insufficient bandwidth can result in websites and servers appearing to run very slowly
                1. Bandwidth and transmission rate
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