Upper Class


Sociology Mapa Mental sobre Upper Class, creado por Daniel Johnston el 28/11/2013.
Daniel Johnston
Mapa Mental por Daniel Johnston, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Daniel Johnston
Creado por Daniel Johnston hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Upper Class
  1. Extremely wealthy
    1. Need not work
      1. Roberts, 2001
        1. High death duties (Inheritance Tax) have resulted in a substantial amount of UC families losing their family seats and experiencing downward social mobility.
        2. Danger of being assimilated in the upper middle-class??
          1. The top 1% own about one-third of the country's wealth
            1. Wealthy families not individuals!
              1. Scott (1982)
                1. There now exists a unified propertied class -actively using its wealth to maintain its privileged position at the top of the socio-economic structure.
                  1. 3 Groups!
                    1. Entrepreneurial capitalists
                      1. Internal capitalists
                        1. Finance capitalists
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