Anything for Kitty: Would You
Spend Thousands of Dollars to
Keep Your Sick Pet Alive?
The Situation
A vet detected a terminal heart condition in
the cat (Kitty).
Her owner just to promise that the cat will live until his
30th birthday.
The cat only have 2 years half of live
The procedure: twice a day pills, the
bimonthly visits to the veterinary cardiologist.
The Dilemmna
Just because we can extend a life, should we?
As animals became increasingly viewed as
members of the family, the reluctance to
euthanize began to enter veterinary medicine.
Many owners are willing to spend significantly on veterinary
care: In a 2010 survey of more than 1,000 pet owners, 32 percent
said they’d be somewhat to very likely to spend $5,000 on a
single treatment.
The Treatment
Initially for Kitty, a chest tap would buy her
several months of easier breathing
The chest taps increased in frequency—once,
Kitty needed three in a month
Yet even as the taps went up to every other month
The vet said: it was not fair to the animal. The animal
doesn’t know anything about the last three months.
The Decision
The vet said that when the animal gets very sick,
particularly with a terminal disease, The owner should
consult the list for your own need, are not prolonging
the animal's suffering
Kitty List: watching the street from the window, jumping on us
when we went to bed, to sleep perched on our backs or sides;
and wolfing down the food as soon as I dumped it in her bowl
In the last week, Kitty collapsed and her
owner go to the emergency vet.
Her owners decided let her go
The Conclusion
Before intervening in the life of a living being, we must
stop and identify if it will be very painful and will be worth
going through all this.