

Animalia concept map
Vanessa Alexandra  Morán
Mapa Mental por Vanessa Alexandra Morán, actualizado hace 3 meses
Vanessa Alexandra  Morán
Creado por Vanessa Alexandra Morán hace 3 meses

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Vanessa Moran
    1. Cellular level
      1. Porifera
        1. The Porifera phylum includes simple aquatic organisms known as sponges. These are primitive animals, mostly marine, that lack true tissues and organs but have specialized structures for filtering water to obtain nutrients.
        2. It is multicellular, formed by eukaryotic cells that lack of cell walls
        3. Tissue/Organ/Organ System
          1. Radial
            1. Coelenterata (Cnidaria)
              1. The phylum Cnidaria includes aquatic, mostly marine animals that are known for their simple body structures and stinging cells. This group includes jellyfish, corals, sea anemones, and hydras.
              2. Ctenophora
                1. Ctenophores, commonly known as comb jellies, are marine invertebrates recognized for their unique features, particularly their method of movement and bioluminescence.
              3. Bilateral
                1. Without body cavity (aceolomates)
                  1. Platyhelminthes
                    1. Are animals with a body space filled with fluid. This space helps them move and spread nutrients
                    2. With false coelom (pseudocoelomates)
                      1. Aschelminthes
                        1. Pseudocoelomates are animals that have a body cavity, but it is not fully lined with mesodermal tissue, making it a "false coelom." The body cavity, known as the pseudocoelom, is a fluid-filled space between the digestive tract and the body wall.
                        2. With true coelom (coelomates)
                          1. Annelida
                            1. Arthropods
                              1. Mollusca
                                1. Echinodermata
                                  1. Hemichordata
                                    1. Chordata
                                      1. Coelomates are animals that have a true coelom, a body cavity completely lined with mesodermal tissue. This coelom acts as a fluid-filled space between the digestive tract and the body wall, providing several important advantages in terms of structure, movement, and organ development.
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