

Mapa Mental sobre SAB#8#21_Develop_Project_Charter, creado por CARLOS E. DELGADO el 19/11/2015.
Mapa Mental por CARLOS E. DELGADO, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por CARLOS E. DELGADO hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Inputs
    1. 1. Project statement of work
      1. SOW contains narrative description of products, services, or results to be delivered by a Project. It provides information about business need, product scope description and strategic plan to Project Charter
      2. 2. business case
        1. Business case typically contains the business need and the cost-benefit analysis to justify and stablish boundaries for the Project. Business Case provides necessary information from a business standpoint to determine whether or not the Project is worth the required investment.
        2. 3. Agreements
          1. Agreements provide initial intentions for a Project. It can be contracts, MOUs, SLAs, written/ verbal forms.
          2. 4. Enterprise enviromental factors
            1. EEF provides Standars, Org cultura/structure, Marketplace conditions.
            2. 5. Organizational process assets
              1. OPA, provides Org. standard processes, policies, Templates, Historical information & lessons learned
            3. Outputs
              1. Project Charter
                1. Project chárter documents hihg-level details about the Project which is input to Project management plans.It documents the business needs, assumptions, constraints, the understanding of the customer´s needs and high-level requirements, and the new product, services, or result.
              2. Tools and Techniques
                1. 1. Expert judgment
                  1. Expert judgment used to assess the inputs usde to develop Project chárter. All details ( technical/ management) are validated during this process
                  2. 2. Facilitation techniques
                    1. Development of Project chárter requires facilitation techniques to guide its development that includes meetings, brainstorming, conflicto resolution & problema solving.
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