

Nic VanDeWoestyne Book Project
Mapa Mental por nicholas.vandewo9769, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por nicholas.vandewo9769 hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Main Conflict
    1. Cause: The person who is stealing wants the powers.
      1. Conflict/Problem: Daniel is trying to figure out who is stealing the power.
      2. Characters:
        1. Name: Daniel
          1. Nice
            1. Shy
          2. Name: Molly
            1. Brave
              1. Strong
            2. Name: Clay
              1. Mean
                1. Annoying
              2. Setting
                1. Nobles Green
                  1. School
                  2. Theme
                    1. Message/Theme: Try your hardest until you achieve your goal.
                      1. How Brought Out In The Book: Daniel goes into Simons house to find the person who tries to steal the powers.
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