Input Devices


GCE 'O' Level ICT Mapa Mental sobre Input Devices, creado por k14.whkoo el 07/12/2015.
Mapa Mental por k14.whkoo, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por k14.whkoo hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Input Devices
  1. Pin Pad & Chip Reader
    1. Pin Pad :a device that allows you to put your credit/debit card in and enter your PIN to draw out money out of your account
      1. Advantage
        1. doesn't take long to purchase items at a till
          1. reduces theft at tills
            1. PIN numbers help prevent fraud involving lost and stolen cards
            2. Disadvantage
              1. There is a risk that someone would see your PIN number
                1. Not all countries use Chip and PIN so it could be a problem for travellers
                  1. Decreases banks liability in case of credit card fraud
                  2. chip reader : the actual place where you put your credit/debit card in order to pay for something
                  3. Barcode Reader Scanner
                    1. is an electronic device that can read and output printed barcodes to a computer
                      1. Advantage
                        1. Error Reduction
                          1. Inventory Control
                            1. Time Savings
                            2. Disadvantage
                              1. Cost Money
                                1. Can breakdown
                              2. MICR
                                1. is a character-recognition technology used mainly by the banking industry to ease the processing and clearance of cheques and other documents.
                                  1. Advantage
                                    1. Ease of Readability and High Security
                                      1. Small Deciphering Error Rate
                                      2. Disadvantage
                                        1. Time Consuming Standards
                                          1. Expensive Equipment
                                        2. Magnetic Stripe Reader
                                          1. Is a type of card capable of storing data by modifying the magnetism of tiny iron-based magnetic particles on a band of magnetic material on the card.
                                            1. Advantage
                                              1. entering data is very fast
                                                1. no possibility of data entry errors
                                                  1. data held on the card cannot be read by eye
                                                  2. Disadvantage
                                                    1. can only hold small amount of data
                                                      1. if the strip get damaged then the data is lost
                                                        1. are easily dupicate
                                                      2. Smart Card Reader
                                                        1. is a device used to read magnetic stripe cards
                                                          1. Used in identification , authentication and data storage
                                                            1. significantly reduce fraud
                                                              1. There are concern with a person privacy
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