social, economic, political,
religious, technological and
military factors
medium (period study)
At least 50 years
long (thematic study)
Change and continuity over long period
including culture, economics, politics, religion,
science, technology and war.
3 geographical contexts
examine the relationship between a place and
historical events and developments. May range in
scale from e.g. a particular building or part of a
building to a city or rural landscape/ setting
European or wider world
Develop knowledge and understanding of the key features and characteristics of
the periods studied: the chronology, individuals, events, developments and issues
Develop understanding and appropriate use in context of historical terms including first
order historical concepts such as ‘constitution’, ‘nation’, ‘revolution’, ‘society’
Develop the ability to create students' own structured accounts, selecting
organising and communicating their knowledge and understanding in written
narratives, descriptions and analyses, reaching substantiated conclusions
understand of the key features and characteristics of the periods studied in relation
to second order historical concepts of continuity, change, cause, consequence,
significance and similarity and difference within situations
understand the relationships between different aspects within the periods
studied, making connections, drawing contrasts and analysing trends.
understand of how evidence is used rigorously to make historical claims, discern
how and why different interpretations of the past have been constructed