Bollywood Mind Map


Mapa Mental sobre Bollywood Mind Map, creado por jackbenstead el 09/04/2013.
Mapa Mental por jackbenstead, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por jackbenstead hace casi 12 años

Resumen del Recurso

Bollywood Mind Map
  1. Religious Eduction
    1. Gods
      1. Visit to a temple
        1. Different Religions
          1. Places of worship
          2. History
            1. British Empire
              1. Ghandi
                1. Building Mumbai
                  1. Development
                  2. Geography
                    1. Rivers
                      1. Village case study
                        1. Rich and poor
                          1. Climate
                            1. Map
                              1. City/Country
                              2. Physical Education
                                1. Cricket
                                2. Design and Technology
                                  1. Cooking
                                    1. Samosas
                                      1. Curry
                                      2. Make jewellery
                                        1. Make costumes
                                          1. Build a temple
                                          2. ICT
                                            1. Penpals
                                              1. Art Software
                                                1. Holiday Brochure
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