By Any Means Necessary, Malcolm X: By Amieya Culley
Speaker: Malcolm X
Goal: To get African Americans to defend themselves from the white aggression
Audience: The people directly in front of him,
Content: The Civil Rights Movement (1955-1968)
Source of Speech: By Any Means Necessary
Quote (1): "I was in a house last night that was bombed, my own."
Effect: The speech bring in emotions when Malcolm X mentions about the incident at his house
Quote (2): I want to point out first that I am very happy to be here this evening and I'm thankful
[to the Afro-American Broadcasting Company] for the invitation to come here to Detroit this
evening. I was in a house last night that was bombed, my own. It didn't destroy all my clothes, not
all, but you know what happens when fire dashes through -- they get smoky. The only thing I
could get my hands on before leaving was what I have on now.
Effect: Malcolm X show courage and commitment for still showing to Detroit, after the bombing of his home
Quote (3): They skillfully took the burden off the society for its failure to correct these negative
conditions in the Black community
Effect: The black people are starting to get angry because of the civil unrest.
Quote: "Right now in New York we had a couple cases where police grabbed the brother and beat him unmercifully -- and then charged him with assaulting them"
Effect: The police brutality, abuse, and descrip]
Quote (1): "I wouldn't call on anybody to be violent without a cause. But I think the Black man in this
country, above and beyond people all over the world, will be more justified when he stands up and
starts to protect himself..."
Effect: Since some people didn't like Dr. King's method, they went to Malcolm X's method.
Quote (2): And in that line we will work with all others, even civil rights groups, who are dedicated to
increase the number of Black registered voters in the South.
Effect: Malcolm X ties the human rights (voting) and the civil rights movement together to make a bigger movement.
Quote (3): No, see, the man is using some tricky logic on you
Effect: "Malcolm X is saying how (the man) is using some sort of logic on the people's mind (to brainwash them)
Quote(1) : Right now in New York we had a couple cases where police grabbed the brother and beat him
unmercifully -- and then charged him with assaulting them
Effect: The brutality, abuse, & discrimination from the police and the other white people was wrong ethically
Quote (2): No, since they federal government has shown that it isn't going to do anything about it but
talk, it is a duty, it's your and my duty as men, as human beings, it is our duty to our people, to organize
ourselves and let the government know that if they don't stop that Klan, we'll stop it ourselves
Effect: Malcolm X wanted equality for the African Americans and for them to put a stop to their enemies
Quote (3): "I was in a house last night that was bombed, my own."
Effect: Ethically, his speech was given based on the threat upon his life.