Foods for a Healthy Brain by Taiwan No.1 (2)


Mapa Mental sobre Foods for a Healthy Brain by Taiwan No.1 (2), creado por Maggie Hsu el 14/12/2015.
Maggie Hsu
Mapa Mental por Maggie Hsu, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Maggie Hsu
Creado por Maggie Hsu hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Foods for a Healthy Brain by Taiwan No.1 (2)
  1. Berries
    1. capacity
      1. reduce symptoms of depression
        1. lower the risk of age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's or dementia
      2. Whole grains
        1. such as oatmeal ,brown rice ,and whole-grain breads
          1. help prevent strokes and heart disease
            1. wheat
              1. is not technically a whole grain
                1. it has vitamin E and some omega-3s
              2. can reduce the risk for heart disease.
              3. Tea
                1. help memory and concentration
                  1. two to three cups
                    1. must drink the freshly brewed kind
                      1. contains a modest amount of caffeine which can boost brain power.
                      2. Dark chocolate
                        1. made from cocoa
                          1. increase our brain power
                            1. Experiment
                              1. showed that five days of eating cocoa improved blood flow to the brain.
                              2. drawback
                                1. gain weight if eating more
                                2. contains several natural stimulants, including caffeine
                                3. Fish
                                  1. such as salmon
                                    1. contain omega-3 fatty acids
                                      1. can slow down our brains' aging process
                                      2. brain cells that are related to short-term memory live in people who eat fish regularly
                                      3. Walnuts
                                        1. they are even shaped like a barin
                                          1. contain chemicals that may strengthen brain cells
                                            1. eight to ten a day are enough
                                            2. Beans
                                              1. can stabillze gluose (blood sugar) levels
                                                1. the brain is dependment on glucose for fuel
                                              2. Pomegranate juice
                                                1. protect the brain from the damage of free radicals
                                                  1. recommend approximately 2 ounces a day, diluted with spring water or seltzer.
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