Chapter 3:Phonology


Mapa Mental sobre Chapter 3:Phonology, creado por madonayjc el 06/12/2013.
Mapa Mental por madonayjc, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por madonayjc hace alrededor de 11 años

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Chapter 3:Phonology
  1. Stops
    1. There are three pairs of stops: Stop phonemes are formed by completely blocking the air for an instant and then releasing it.The first two stops are,/p/ and /b/ and are formed by by stopping the air by closing the lips.They are called bilabials.Sounds include pop and bib.The next two steps are /t/ and /d/.These phonemes are present at the beginning and end of words like tot and dad.The sounds are made by placing the tip of the tongue behind the front teeth along the alveolar ridge to block the air for a moment.The last stops,/k/ and /g/,are formed by raising the blade of the tongue up againgst the velar region in the back of the mouth to temporarily block the air. Ex. kick and gig.
      1. Fricates
        1. Fricates are produced by constructing the airflow through the vocal tract.The fricatives also come in pairs,except for/h/.There are nine fricatives in English:
          1. Africates
            1. Affricates are formed by briefly stopping the air and then releasing it with some friction.Thus, affricates are formed by a combination of a stop and a affricative.1. /c</ (the phoneme spelled ch in chip): voiceless alveopalatal affricate. 2. /j</ (the phoneme spelled g in gyp): voiced alveopalatal affricate.
              1. Nasals
                1. English has three nasal consonants.These are /m/, /n/, and /ng/.The first two have the sounds of the letters m in words like Mom and Nan.The last one has the sound of ng and ring.In fact, the symbol looks like n with a tail of a g.The sound occurs only at the end of a syllable in English, never at eh beginning.English nasals are voiced.they are produced by stopping the air in the oral cavity and lowering teh velum so that teh airflow can pass through the nasal cavity.
                  1. Liquids
                    1. There are two phonemes called liquids, a descriptive term to denote the smooth sounds asssociated with /l/ and /r/.The sounds of these phonemes are those that occur at the beginning and end of lull and roar.To form the /l/, a speaker places the tip of the toungue against the alveolar ridge and lowers one side of the toungue to let the air pass through on that side.On the other hand The American English /r/ is produced by curling the toungue tip back slightly.
                      1. In all, American English gas twenty-four consonant phonemes:six stops,nine fricatives,two fricatives,three nasals, two liquids.Only seven consonant sounds are represented by special marks.The rest use letters from the alphabet.
                      2. Glides
                        1. The final two consonant phonemes, the glides, are sometimes called semivowels because they are produced with every little constriction of the air passage, more like a vowel.These phonemes are the/y/ sound at the beginning "yes" and /w/ that occurs at the start of wet.The glides that are consonants occur only at the beginning of a syllable in English or as part of a blend,like the sw in swing. They are produced by moving the toungue up toward the alveopalatal or velar region.
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