White Blood Cell (WBC)


A mind map that clearly outlines the basics features and types of white blood cells. Helpful for AS and A level biology revision.
Aarushi Pandit
Mapa Mental por Aarushi Pandit, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Aarushi Pandit
Creado por Aarushi Pandit hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

White Blood Cell (WBC)
  1. Leucocytes
    1. made in the bone marrow
      1. have a nucleus
        1. generally larger than RBCs
          1. either spherical or irregular in shape
            1. main function
              1. fight against diseases
              2. two main groups
                1. Phagocytes
                  1. protect the body by ingesting (phagocytosis) harmful foreign particles, bacteria, and dead or dying cells.
                    1. neutrophils
                      1. short-lived
                        1. 60% of total WBC
                        2. macrophages
                          1. long-lived
                            1. Develop from monocytes
                          2. Lymphocytes
                            1. smaller than phagocytes
                              1. Of two types
                                1. B cells
                                  1. plasma cells
                                    1. antibodies


                                      • diagram on right
                                    2. memory cells
                                    3. T cells
                                      1. killer T cells
                                        1. helper T cells
                                      2. large nucleus,
                                        1. fills up most of the cell
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