Imperialism's popularity declined 1880 -1902


A Levels (Key Issue 2 - Imperialism) History Mapa Mental sobre Imperialism's popularity declined 1880 -1902, creado por dottydiva96 el 09/12/2013.
Mapa Mental por dottydiva96, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por dottydiva96 hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Imperialism's popularity declined 1880 -1902
  1. Public had to pay more taxes
    1. Public were strongly against methods used in the Boer War 1899-1902
      1. The empire's costs outweighed the benefits
        1. Only really benefit the higher classes
          1. By the end of the Boer War, Britain was paying £6mil a day
            1. Some felt that international free trade was undermined
            2. Liberal Party split into pro-imperialists and anti-imperialists
              1. 1900 Khaki Election
                1. Many working class reected pro-war candidates
                  1. Many weren't voting pro-imperialist but rather against the Liberals who favoured Irish Home Rule
                    1. Conservatives only beat the Liberals by 400, 000 more votes
                    2. Many WC men joined the army to escape poverty and unemployment in Britain
                      1. 1902 - the Liberal Imperialists were a small minority
                        1. 22, 000 men died in the Boer War
                          1. Attrocities of Boer War alienated British Public
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