Unit 11: The Word as a Linguistic sign. Homonymy. Synonymy. Antonymy. False Friends. Lexical Creativity.


Carolina  Gómez
Mapa Mental por Carolina Gómez , actualizado hace más de 1 año
Carolina  Gómez
Creado por Carolina Gómez hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Unit 11: The Word as a Linguistic sign. Homonymy. Synonymy. Antonymy. False Friends. Lexical Creativity.
  1. 1.-Introduction, Justification and Relevance of the Topic.
    1. 2.- The word as a linguistic sign.
      1. a) The orthographic word b) The phonological word c) The lexical word d) The gramatical word.
        1. - Bloomfield
        2. 3.- Homonymy.
          1. Definition
            1. Types
              1. - Homographs - Homophones
                1. - Heteronyms: those are homonyms that share the same spelling but have different pronunciations.
              2. 4.- Synonymy.
                1. 5.- Antonymy.
                  1. 6.- False friends and lexical creativity. + Cognates
                    1. Cognates and false friends
                    2. 7.- Conclusion and Teaching Implications
                      1. 8.- Bibliography.
                        1. Organic Law 8/2013, of December 9th, for the Improvement of Education Quality
                          1. Chomsky, Noam: Reflections On Language. Pantheon Books, New York, 1975.
                            1. CRYSTAL, DAVID : Linguistics. Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1985
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