Biological Therapies For OCD


A2 Psychology- OCD
Mapa Mental por k1109s, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por k1109s hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Biological Therapies For OCD
  1. Chemotherapy
    1. Anti-anxiety Drug
      1. Benzodiazepines (BZs)
        1. Slow down the activity of the central nervous system by enhancing activity of GABA
          1. GABA release --> Quietening effect on many of the neruons in the brain
            1. Does this by reacting w/ GABA receptors. When GABA locks into these receptors it opens a channel which increase the flow of chloride ions into the neruon
              1. Chloride ions make it harder for the neuron to be stimulated by other neurotransmitters --> slowing down its activity & making the person feel more relaxed
          2. Examples
            1. Valium
              1. Xanax
          3. Anti-depressant drugs
            1. SSRIs
              1. Choy & Schneier (2008): SSRIs are currently the preferred drug for treating anxiety disorders
                1. Increase levels of the neurotransmitter SEROTONIN (regulates mood & anxiety)
                  1. Higher serotonin level --> NORMALISE the 'worry circuit'
                  2. Examples
                    1. Paxil
                      1. Prozac
                2. Psychosurgery
                  1. Capsulotomy
                    1. Remove Capsule
                      1. Part of the limbic system involved with emotion and anxiety
                    2. Cingulotomy
                      1. Remove Cingulum
                        1. linked the orbitofrontal cortex to the caudate nucleus
                      2. Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
                        1. Placing wires in target areas of the brain
                          1. Wires are connected to a battery in the patient’s chest
                            1. Current is on, interrupts the target circuits in the brain e.g. ‘worry circuit’
                        2. Transcranial magnetic stimulation
                          1. Avoids destruction of brain tissue
                            1. A large electromagnetic coil is placed above the scalp near the forehead
                              1. Creates painless electric currents that stimulate the frontal cortex (a region of the brain asso w/ OCD and mood regulation
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