Cognitive Key Assumptions


(Key Assumptions) Psychology Mapa Mental sobre Cognitive Key Assumptions, creado por pmfisher1996 el 12/04/2013.
Mapa Mental por pmfisher1996, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por pmfisher1996 hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Cognitive Key Assumptions
  1. Information Processing
    1. Similar to a computer we input information, process information and provide an output
      1. The mutistore model of memory receives, retains and recalls information from the memory stores
        1. We receive information directly from our senses
        2. Understanding Memory
          1. We encode, store and retrieve information which makes up our memory
          2. Experiments are used
            1. There are 3 types of experiments within the cognitive approach, laboratory, field and natural
              1. Each of these has an IV and a DV and are normally designed to test a hypothses
                1. Laboratory experiments take place in an artificial setting and try to measure cause and effect between two variables
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