And The Glory Of The Lord


Edexcel Music GCSE SET WORK 1
Mapa Mental por mash_my_coloured, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por mash_my_coloured hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

And The Glory Of The Lord
  1. Tempo
    1. Allegro- Fast, sounds joyful
      1. Last few bars Adagio to create grand ending
      2. Tonality
        1. Begins A Major
          1. Change to E Major (dominant of A Major) in bar 22
            1. Changes back to A Major, E Major passed through then B Major introduced
            2. Melody
              1. Motif A ends with notes of ascending A Major scale
                1. Motif B is smooth, there is a sequence
                  1. Motif C repeats notes within E and A
                    1. Motif D is one pitch (like a chant)
                    2. Rhythm
                      1. Motif A has simple rhythm
                        1. Motif B has dotted rhythm
                          1. Motif C has crotchet, quaver, quaver, crotchet rhythm
                            1. Motif D has long dotted crotchets to express seriousness
                              1. Hemiolas used bar 9-10 at cadence
                                1. Pause before last phrase for effectiveness
                                2. Texture
                                  1. Motif A sang by Altos then whole choir (homophonic)
                                    1. Contrast homophonic texture when tenors sing Motif A and others continue with Motif B
                                      1. Different combination of voices used- Sopranos singing alone exposes highest note A
                                        1. Ends homophonic- sounds grand
                                        2. Dynamics
                                          1. Instruments didn't have great range of dynamics at this time
                                            1. Forte and Piano are used
                                            2. Instruments
                                              1. Voice
                                                1. String Orchestra
                                                  1. Cello
                                                    1. Chamber Organ
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