cultural variation in attachment


AS - Level (chapter 3 - attachment ) psychology Mapa Mental sobre cultural variation in attachment, creado por Daisy U el 10/02/2016.
Daisy  U
Mapa Mental por Daisy U, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Daisy  U
Creado por Daisy U hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

cultural variation in attachment
  1. studies of cultural variations
    1. Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg
      1. looked at proportions of the 3 types of attachments in different countries
        1. procedure
          1. meta analysed 32 studies of the strange situation
            1. 8 countries
              1. 15/32 in the USA
                1. 1990 children
              2. findings
                1. secure was most common
                  1. insecure resistant least common - mainly in collective
                    1. insecure avoidant - mainly in individualistic
              3. other places
                1. Italy
                  1. Simonella
                    1. 76, 12 month olds
                      1. 50% secure
                        1. 36% insecure avoidant
                          1. more mothers working longer hours
                            1. cultural differences make a big difference
                      2. Korea
                        1. Jin
                          1. 87 children
                            1. similar to Japan
                              1. mainly secure
                                1. or insecure resistant
                          2. conclusion
                            1. secure is the norm
                              1. supporting Bowlby that attachment is innate
                              2. still differences depending where it is
                            2. evaluation
                              1. large samples
                                1. combined results
                                  1. increases internal validity
                                    1. reduces anomalous results
                                2. unrepresentative to culture
                                  1. comparisons between countries not cultures
                                    1. within countries many different cultures
                                    2. e.g.
                                      1. urban Japan = similar to Western countries
                                        1. rural = more insecure resistant
                                      2. method of assessment in biased
                                        1. imposed etic
                                          1. applying a foreign technique/ theory to another country
                                      3. evaluation +
                                        1. alternative explanation for cultural similarity
                                          1. Bowlby = attachment are innate (should be the same everywhere)
                                            1. Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg
                                              1. differences due to media
                                            2. the strange situation lacks validity
                                              1. Kagan
                                                1. suggested = attachment is down to temperament
                                                  1. is the strange situation simply measuring anxiety
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