SAB9#10 Project management process


pm Curso PM Mapa Mental sobre SAB9#10 Project management process, creado por Juan Garcia el 19/02/2016.
Juan Garcia
Mapa Mental por Juan Garcia, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Juan Garcia
Creado por Juan Garcia hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

SAB9#10 Project management process
  1. Initiation
    1. Define the project
      1. Define the goals and objectives to be achieved
        1. Decide which are the main tasks
          1. Determine resources
            1. Identify risks and constraints
            2. Planning
              1. Define the scope, resources and time required
                1. The project plan shows
                  1. 1. How many tasks must be performed
                    1. 2. The decision to undertake each task
                      1. 3. The estimated cost of the task
                        1. 4. The sequence task
                          1. 5. The estimated duration of the tasks
                        2. Execution
                          1. It is the implementation of the project
                            1. Register project progress compared with the current data
                              1. Check the resources, scope and time factors to balance priorities
                              2. Performance/Monitoring
                                1. Indicates corrective actions
                                  1. Monitors the work of analyzing how different the process planning
                                    1. Check if the tasks are executed in accordance with and directed planead
                                    2. Closure
                                      1. Check the goals that were not carried out in the project
                                        1. Make the final budget of the project
                                          1. Prepare final report of the project
                                            1. Collect all documents and to store results
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