

Mapa Mental sobre SAB9#68_Estimate_Cost, creado por ricardolee_13 el 22/02/2016.
Mapa Mental por ricardolee_13, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por ricardolee_13 hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Cost Management Plan
    1. Description of cost
    2. HR Management Plan
      1. staff salary and compensation
      2. Scope Baseline
        1. project scope statement, WBS, Dictionary WBS
        2. Project Schudule
          1. the resources devoted time you complete an activity
          2. Risk Register
            1. risk mitigation costs
            2. EEFs
              1. Market conditions, Commercial information in the public domain
              2. OPAs
                1. Policies cost estimation, lesson learned
                2. expert judgment
                  1. information on similar projects
                  2. analog estimate
                    1. previous similar project
                    2. parametric estimation
                      1. statistical relationship
                      2. estimate bottom-up
                        1. The cost Individual activity
                        2. estimation 3 points
                          1. Three-point estimates (O + 4M + P) / 6)
                          2. Reserve Analysis
                            1. risks identified
                            2. quality cost
                              1. assumptions
                              2. PM Software
                                1. PMIs
                                2. analysis Vnedro-bid
                                  1. analysis of how the project should cost
                                  2. group techniques making decision
                                    1. Brainstorming, Delphi techniques
                                    2. Cost estimate the activities
                                      1. Quantitative evaluation
                                      2. Based on estimates
                                        1. Evidence of estimate
                                        2. Updates to project documents
                                          1. Risk register
                                          2. It is the process of developing an approximation of the financial resources needed to complete project activities.
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