The Unlucky Theatre


Mapa Mental sobre The Unlucky Theatre, creado por Catalina Zamora el 24/02/2016.
Catalina Zamora
Mapa Mental por Catalina Zamora, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Catalina Zamora
Creado por Catalina Zamora hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Unlucky Theatre
  1. The story was in a abandoned theatre london
    1. The owner of the theater was Peter Linsay
      1. Peter lindsay was a friend of the protagonists of the story Fernaghan
        1. All end up being ghosts
          1. To my appears the first ghost was Lord Delahoo
            1. The second ghost was the Mrs Lang
              1. The third ghost was the mistress of Mrs Lang
                1. The night-watchman of the theatre was John Wars
                  1. The Watching Eyes
                    1. Characters
                      1. Mrs Lang
                        1. Lord Delahoo
                          1. Confernaghan
                            1. Skeletons
                              1. Mr lang
                                1. Raymond Ross
                                  1. Lover Mrs Lang
                                  2. Work try a fight of two man of all was a piece until the Lord Delahoo remove the site safety and so did her husband died and when he died the mistress of Mrs Lang far cry tear but will never buy his murder that continued there are ghosts to tell the story again and again you see and all was Ghost and the spectator was COnfernaghan
                                  3. The conclution of the story is that Confernaghan wanted to do a story on an old and desolate place with a bad reputation, but I don't mind when nothing began to see ghosts, but without realizing that ghosts you wanted tell what had passed at the theatre and began to see them one poir one until darçe has that all were ghosts and saw the murder but woke up and realized that everything was a dream and precione was by the work and by rumors of the place
                                    1. Conclution
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                                    PRUEBAS DE CONCENTRACIÓN YDILUCIÓN URINARIAS
                                    Mis Recursos de Programación
                                    maya velasquez
                                    10 Técnicas de Estudio
                                    Diego Santos
                                    7 Técnicas para Aprender Idiomas
                                    maya velasquez
                                    Los Grandes Filósofos
                                    maya velasquez
                                    La Guerra Civil Española
                                    maya velasquez
                                    Test de historia de España S. XVIII, XIX y XX.
                                    Diego Santos
                                    Inteligencias Múltiples (H. Gardner)
                                    Gonzalo Nava Badillo
                                    Geografía: España y Europa
                                    Diego Santos
                                    Cesar Morgado
                                    Abreviaciones comunes en programación web
                                    Diego Santos