Roman Republic (509 - 27 BCE)


University Political Ideas in Revolution Mapa Mental sobre Roman Republic (509 - 27 BCE), creado por Saoirse Burnell el 06/01/2014.
Saoirse Burnell
Mapa Mental por Saoirse Burnell, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Saoirse Burnell
Creado por Saoirse Burnell hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Roman Republic (509 - 27 BCE)
  1. Executive and Magisterial positions (Annually elected)
    1. Two Consuls
      1. Junior positions; praetor, aedile, quaestor
        1. Senior figures; censors
          1. The Tribunes (representing interests of the Plebeains)
        2. Law making and Decision taking
          1. The Senate
            1. Containing patricians (representing Rome's leading families)
          2. Popular assemblies that had some powers to make laws and declare laws
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