Feasibility study


Mapa Mental sobre Feasibility study, creado por 08murray.s el 08/01/2014.
Mapa Mental por 08murray.s, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por 08murray.s hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Feasibility study
  1. Technical
    1. Can software / hardware be used to implement the solution
      1. In astrology program: Possible to calculate age, and when starsigns are
      2. Legal
        1. Can you solve the problem within the bounds of the law
        2. Social
          1. is the effect on humans allowed / enviromentally safe
          2. Time
            1. Can the program be made in the time scale set
              1. Astrology project: 2 weeks
              2. Economic
                1. Can the program be made in the budget set / economic to run
                2. Customer effect
                  1. Will the customer be impressed by it?
                  2. Cost benefits
                    1. Will solution improve efficiency?
                      1. If no.. is it worth building?
                    2. Skill level required
                      1. Has the work force enough skill to use the solution
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                      Feasibility Study
                      Lilli Flahh
                      El descubrimiento de América
                      Traducciones de Latín
                      Diego Santos
                      Clasificación de las Tesis
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                      Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación
                      Jocelyn Glover
                      RESOLUCIÓN DE CONFLICTOS
                      Kelly Maria
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                      VIRGINIA GARCÍA BAENA
                      Membrana Plasmatica
                      Gisela Asendra Menitofe
                      HOW TO WAKE UP EARLY
                      Elaine del Valle
                      Lexicología Jurídica
                      Alfonso Tester