
A mindmap on the American Dream, may get refreshed some times
Mapa Mental por mauricedamberg, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por mauricedamberg hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Problems
    1. History
      1. slavery
        1. african-americans
          1. first slaves in 1623
        2. Present
          1. gap between rich and poor
            1. most won´t reach the "The American Dream"
              1. for the future it might be Trump ;)
                1. mexican border
                  1. much more
                    1. drugs
                    2. generelly
                      1. rassism
                        1. Ku-Klux-Klan
                          1. persecution
                          2. equality "white" man only
                            1. police shooting unarmed african-americans
                          3. one of the highest murder rate
                            1. violence
                          4. Beliefs and Values
                            1. Inalienable & God-given rights
                              1. Libery
                                1. personal and religious freedom
                                2. Pursuit of Happiness
                                  1. personal/material success &wealth
                                    1. belief in "anticipaced success"
                                      1. Individualism
                                        1. realizing one´s goals
                                          1. pursuing one´s dreams
                                        2. Equality
                                          1. equal rights
                                            1. men
                                              1. women
                                                1. different ethics
                                                  1. different social backgrounds
                                                2. Life
                                                  1. secure life
                                                    1. protected by law, government & military
                                                3. Patriotism
                                                  1. importance of national symbols
                                                    1. Statue of Liberty
                                                      1. Declaration of Indipendence
                                                        1. Constitution
                                                          1. U.S. Flag
                                                            1. National Anthem
                                                            2. pride in being American
                                                          2. first expressed by James Turslow Adams (1931)
                                                            1. Roots in the Decleration of Indipendence (1776)
                                                              1. refers to basic human rights
                                                              2. Phrases
                                                                1. "from rags to riches"
                                                                  1. "from dishwasher to millionaire"
                                                                    1. "think big, get rich"
                                                                      1. "bigger and better"
                                                                      2. historical events
                                                                        1. Bill of Rights ( 1791 )
                                                                          1. Declaration of Independence ( 1776 )
                                                                            1. Emancipation Proclamation ( 1863 )
                                                                              1. signed by President Lincoln
                                                                                1. officially abolishes slavery
                                                                                2. NAACP founded ( 1910 )
                                                                                  1. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
                                                                                    1. U.S. oldest civil rights organization
                                                                                    2. Barrack Obama comes President ( 2008 )
                                                                                      1. first African-American President of the U.S.
                                                                                      2. Great Depression ( 1929-1939 )
                                                                                        1. economic depression
                                                                                          1. many people lost job, ended up homeless
                                                                                          2. "I have a Dream" by Martin Luther King Jr ( 1963 )
                                                                                            1. speech about giving colored americans hope
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