Cellphones in the Classroom


Mapa Mental sobre Cellphones in the Classroom, creado por Ki Shin el 09/03/2016.
Ki Shin
Mapa Mental por Ki Shin, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ki Shin
Creado por Ki Shin hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Cellphones in the Classroom
  1. Texting Can be Positive
    1. Return to Oral Communication
      1. Texting is more a form of written speech than writing itself
        1. Think of texting as its own dialect
          1. More Dynamic
            1. http://youtu.be/UmvOg6iV2s
            2. Help Students Write More Quickly and Fluently
              1. Lundford's Case Study
                1. Comparison of student papers from 1917 v. 2006
                  1. Increase in errors were negligible
                    1. from 2.11 per 100 words vs. 2.26 errors per 100 words
                  2. Texting is writing
                    1. Resulted in a certain level of comfort with writing
                  3. Encourages thought about Grammar and Phonology
                    1. Writing shorthand can reinforce phonological awareness
                      1. abbreviating a phrase/word demonstrates an understanding of how those sounds and letters work and join together
                        1. Helps teach ontractions
                    2. Ways to Use in the Classroom
                      1. Notetaking
                        1. especially for those that type faster than they write
                          1. Have students transcribe the notes into formal notes
                          2. Utilize cameras
                          3. Turn it into a Game
                            1. Kahoot!
                              1. Live- polling
                                1. Buzzer
                                2. For the ESL Student
                                  1. "ready access to information technology is considered a critical factor"-Cummins
                                    1. cellphones can provide CLD students with comprehensible input
                                    2. Audio support for texts
                                      1. Social Integration
                                        1. greater connection to the U.S Pop Culture
                                        2. Support language and Content Learning
                                          1. Native Apps
                                            1. Translation
                                              1. Audio
                                                1. Visual
                                                  1. Written
                                                2. Allow for Differentiation
                                                  1. Appropriate Level of scaffolding
                                                    1. Student specific
                                                  2. Allow for Collaboration
                                                    1. Perceptions
                                                    2. TOOLS
                                                      1. Calculator
                                                        1. Calendar
                                                          1. Internet
                                                            1. Maps
                                                              1. Voice Recorder
                                                                1. Reminders
                                                                2. Informal Assessments
                                                                  1. Lower Affective Filters
                                                                Mostrar resumen completo Ocultar resumen completo


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                                                                Compositores del Barroco
                                                                Los últimos Premios Nobel de Literatura
                                                                Inglés - Conjugación Verbos Irregulares
                                                                María Salinas
                                                                REVOLUCIÓN RUSA (1917)
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                                                                Ácidos, bases y sales - Formulación y nomenclatura
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