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Ethical Issues in Counselling
Masters Degree Counpsy study Mapa Mental sobre Ethical Issues in Counselling, creado por Fi MSWpsychologist el 12/03/2016.
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counpsy study
masters degree
Mapa Mental por
Fi MSWpsychologist
, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por
Fi MSWpsychologist
hace casi 9 años
Resumen del Recurso
Ethical Issues in Counselling
1. Competence & Professional responsibility
2. Therapy
3. Human Relations
4. Record keeping & fees
5. Privacy & Confidentiality
6. Research & Publication
APA #8
8.01 Institutional approval
8.02 Informed Consent
8.03 Informed consent for recording voices & images in research
7. Education & Training
APA #7
7.01 Design of Education and Training Programs
7.01 (a) Ensure the program provide appropriate knowledge, information , opportunities & experience to meet the stated nature & goal of the program
7.01 (b) Accountability
7.02 Descriptions of Education and Training Programs
7.02 (a) Accurate & current program descriptions & requirements
7.02 (b) Should be easily available
7.02 (c) Allow students to make reasoned decisions about training based on the most accurate & relevant information available
7.03 Accuracy in teaching
7.03 (a) Ensure accurate course syllabi and that modification to it are made known to the stuents
7.03 (b) Students should be informed 1) subject matter; 2) systems of grading or assessing learning; 3) nature of course experiences to be anticipated
7.03 (c) Goal of transparency between faculty & student expectations
7.03 (d) Present psychological accurately - balance freedom of academic expression with accuracy & inclusion of material germane to the course
7.04 Students disclosure of personal information
7.04 (a) Protect the privacy of (students) from loss of objectivity by those with decision-making & judgment power over their training expereince
7.04 (b) Potential for loss of objectivity can be a threat to professional relations (affect perception of students)
7.04 (c) Do not require students to disclose personal information about previous experiences
1. This is listed in the admission requirements
3. Information helpstudents who are struggling with their training & seem to be impaired & unable to perform their duties
2. Students poses a threat to fellow students or others
7.05 Mandatory individual or Group therapy
7.05 (a) If course required -> students must have access to non-program affiliated therapists
Protect autonomy & privacy of students
7.05 (b) faculty responsible for evaluation do not provide any required therapy
7.06 Assessing student and supervisee performance
7.06 (a) Informed consent
getting students the information they need to know in order for them to understand and respond to expectations
7.06 (b) Establish a process for feedback at the beginning of the semester
should have a well-defined & timely process for providing feedback & constructive criticism
7.06 (c) Evaluate students based on their actual performance
Not extraneous but compelling factors
7.07 Sexual relationship with students and supervisees
General principle
Principle A
Principle B
Principle C
Principle D
Principle E
Beneficence & Nonmaleficence
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