DBA + Database Administrator


Mapa Mental sobre DBA + Database Administrator, creado por Eduardo Leduc el 13/03/2016.
Eduardo Leduc
Mapa Mental por Eduardo Leduc, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Eduardo Leduc
Creado por Eduardo Leduc hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

DBA + Database Administrator
  1. Scanning for this
    1. Skimming this
      1. What is?
        1. - Data remains consistent across the database;
          1. - Data is clearly defined;
            1. - Users access data concurrently, in a form that suits their needs;
              1. - There is provision for data security and recovery control
                1. - There is provision all data is retrievable in an emergency.
        2. Implications of this
          1. Brainstorming
            1. What to expect?
              1. - Establishing the needs of users and monitoring user access and security;
                1. - Monitoring performance and managing parameters to provide fast responses to front-end users;
                  1. - Considering both back-end organization of data and front-end accessibility for end-users;
                    1. - Further refining the physical design to meet system storage requirements;
                      1. - Maintaining data standards, including adherence to the Data Protection Act;
                        1. - Writing database documentation, including data standards, procedures and definitions for the data dictionary (metadata);
                          1. - Controlling access permissions and privileges;
                            1. - Developing, managing and testing back-up and recovery plans;
                              1. - Ensuring that storage and archiving procedures are functioning correctly;
                                1. - Communicating regularly with technical, applications and operational staff to ensure database integrity and security;
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