
Mapa Mental sobre INVERTEBRATES, creado por Jorge Lafuente el 14/03/2016.
Jorge  Lafuente
Mapa Mental por Jorge Lafuente, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jorge  Lafuente
Creado por Jorge Lafuente hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Arthropods
    1. The largest invertebrate group.
      1. Have an exoskeleton.
        1. Myriapods
          1. Crustaceans
            1. Arachnids
              1. Insects
              2. Molluscs
                1. There are three subgroups:
                  1. Gastropods
                    1. Bivalves
                      1. Cephalopods
                    2. Echinoderms
                      1. Live at the bottom of the sea.
                        1. Hard, spiny skin.
                          1. Starfish are echinoderms.
                          2. Sponges
                            1. Live in water.
                              1. The simplest invertebrates.
                                1. Have no muscles, circulatory system or nervous system.
                                2. Annelids
                                  1. Long, soft body with moist skin.
                                    1. Live inside the bodies of other animals. Most annelids live in water. Can also live on land.
                                    2. Cnidarians
                                      1. Soft, jelly-like body with one opening.
                                        1. Live in the sea.
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                                        INVERTEBRATES - 6º E.P.
                                        Mari Carmen García
                                        Natual Science. Unit 3. Animals
                                        Blanca Francisco
                                        Natural Science 2: Animals
                                        Laura ge
                                        Rocio Martin
                                        ARTHROPODS CHARACTERISTICS
                                        Carolina Zubiría Melero
                                        Types of invertebrates 5ºA
                                        Ana Belén Abadías
                                        Animal classification
                                        Sofía Espitia Suárez
                                        Elena B G
                                        LIVING THINGS
                                        Blanca Francisco