Jung (MBTI)


Masters Degree Case conceptualization - Psychotherapy Mapa Mental sobre Jung (MBTI), creado por Fi MSWpsychologist el 15/03/2016.
Fi MSWpsychologist
Mapa Mental por Fi MSWpsychologist, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Fi MSWpsychologist
Creado por Fi MSWpsychologist hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Jung (MBTI)
  1. Collective unconscious
    1. When Jung is unhappy, he draw a person on a ruler and put with a stone, everytime when he is sad, he looked at it and feel calm donw
      1. recognize that some other tribes do the same
        1. but they did not know each other
    2. Psychological types
      1. Attitudes
        1. Foundation of personality
          1. Modes of adaptation
            1. How we process the information
              1. Extraversion - Intraversion
                1. Extraversion
                  1. Energy from outter world
                    1. Lower defense
                      1. more sensitive to criticism/ how people look at him
                  2. Intraversion


                    • Excessive development of the introversion -> artificial subjectivizing of the consciousness -> over-devaluing the object Ego (fragile & limited) VS object (undeniable power) Desubjectivization: When ego has unurped the claims of the object, there is an unconscious compensation on the influence of the object - In Jung's
                    1. Energy from inside
                      1. Higher defense
                        1. Help for self-preservation
                      2. Excessive introversion
                        1. Neurosis: Psychasthenia (similar to ODD)


                          • Mechanism: -> The object assumes terrifying poportion on the self -> The conscious attempt to devalue it -> Object exerts greater influence -> Ego strive to detach itself from the object & get it under control -> Develop regular systerm of defense (i.e. preserving the illusion of superiority) Thus, introverts are constantly frustrated by the overwhelming impressions received from the object (i.e. Against his will) Psychasthenia
            2. Functions
              1. What we focus on
                1. Thinking
                  1. Link up by objectves & logical concepts
                    1. Extraverted thinking


                      • Conditioned by objective data transmitted by sense perceptionsAs a rational or judging function, thinking presupposes a judgmentIn order to make a judgment, extraverted thinking fastens on the criteria supplied by extenal conditions E.g. of person: Hitler
                      1. forming a ruling principles
                        1. can make quick decision


                          • 而家見到既野就食住佢, 睇現況再揾出其pattern E.g. 渣車, 塞車, 睇周圍既情況, 好快諗到可能同交通意外有關, 好快諗到下一步點做, 點安排 優點: 諗野好快, 好快揾到個PATTERN出黎作出反應 => 可做出色的政治家, entrapeur 缺點: 好主觀, 認為自已可控制成件事, 宗教狂熱可以變成好挑剔既人
                        2. Planning
                        3. Introverted thinking


                          • Feelings: - polite - cold [- cant get close to them (拒人於千里之外)] - arrogant [not really know how to social with others] - socially detached [未cfm唔會亂咁講] - not multi-perspective - ambition that they have to get it -> 不擇手段 (anyways) -> outcome is the most important things
                          1. Internal framework of idea


                            • - Subjective factor serves as a criterion for decision-making.Adv: 可以將D野抽絲MOK GAN => can be very abstract. Innovation => Scientist, innovative technologistDisadv: 可以視而不見, 覺得同自己無關係就見唔到, easily being impatient (cannot be challenged coz they think they think for long already, so they will just present to you by their own 'private logic' and wont be explain to you too detail
                            1. Conviction


                              • Associated with our creative power (Adler) - Beliefs & values
                            2. Defining
                          2. Feeling
                            1. Subjectively criteria/ personal feelings
                              1. Extraverted feeling


                                • Disadv: 可能同人既關係無咁深厚, 因為佢地成日分散好多投資, 無咁深交 E.g. If she is a teacher towards students with poor performance => jump to direction already => 連鬧都廢事鬧
                                1. Intraverted feeling


                                  • - prone to experience negative feelings- very subjective on feeling values- Very concern about values=> if she is a teacher -> 會分呢個學生係蠢? 懶? 自己教得唔好? 1. Sentimental self-love 2. try to be interesting 3. self-
                                  1. Aroused a parallel feeling in the individuals


                                    • 了解你背後的動機
                                2. Sensing
                                  1. Through 5 senses
                                    1. Extraverted sensing
                                      1. Experiencing


                                        • 睇畫既時候 => 睇外在, 邊個畫既, 幾多錢呢? => Art collector
                                      2. Introverted sensing
                                        1. Verifying


                                          • 睇畫既時候 => want to understand what the painters try to convey => Art appraiser
                                          1. Irrational type
                                      3. Intuition
                                        1. Extraverted intuitive
                                          1. Envisioning


                                            • 因為佢地最鍾意睇到無限可能-> 令佢最有興趣既野係過程, 當做到尾, 就覺得無新鮮感 => 虎頭蛇尾的人 (live in the world with possibility) -> manipulative (once the possibility realized, stop intercting with you)
                                          2. Introverted intuitive
                                            1. knowing


                                              • - have to know the basic pattern -> the most fundamental of everything e.g. when they see a river flow from left to right => they would think why it's from left to right? whee does it flow from? how does it esculate?
                                          3. 4 psychological funtions
                                            1. Thinking - Feeling
                                              1. Rational type
                                                1. 1. Make decision; 2. Judge; 3. Evaluation
                                              2. Sensation - Intuition
                                                1. Irrational type
                                                  1. 1. Take in information/ perceive
                                                2. 識哂人地D TYPES, then give the therapies they want
                                            2. Tendency
                                              1. Dominant VS Inferior
                                                1. Dominant
                                                  1. Consciousness
                                                  2. Inferior
                                                    1. Unconsciious
                                                      1. Inferior => underdeveloped
                                                    2. Fatigue - equilibrium
                                                      1. Falsification of type
                                                        1. E.g. Parental influence
                                                          1. E.g. if you are introvert -> parents forced you to learn many things -> very tired
                                                            1. Acute exhaustion
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