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October 1917 Revolution
(Mr Edmunds) History Mapa Mental sobre October 1917 Revolution, creado por Katie Mortley el 17/04/2013.
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mr edmunds
mr edmunds
Mapa Mental por
Katie Mortley
, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por
Katie Mortley
hace casi 12 años
Resumen del Recurso
October 1917 Revolution
Had 250,000 members
Were producing 41 newspapers across Russia
Recruited 10,000 elite ‘Red Guards’ in Petrograd’s factories – given guns by Kerensky during the Kornilov Affair
Popularity at an all time high
Provisional Government failed to tackle the most pressing issues: food shortages, inflation, land questions and the continuation of the War
Little support for the Provisional Government in Petrograd
A virtually bloodless affair
The elections for the Constituent Assembly would take place on 12th November 1917
Kornilov Affair made the Provisional Government look weak and dependent on the strong Bolsheviks
Timed their seizure of power very cleverly
Claimed that they were acting on behalf of the Soviet
Kerensky knew that the Bolsheviks were planning some kind of takeover but did not act decisively
Praise for smooth execution - Trotsky
Did not act on behalf of the Soviets like they said that they would
Kerensky tried to shut down 2 Bolshevik newspapers – excuse to act
Takeover organised with great efficiency
As a result of the Kornilov Affair, the Bolsheviks were given weapons by the PG necessary to launch a successful armed uprising
26th October – Lenin announced that the Provisional Government had been overthrown
Last attempt of the Provisional Government to regain control of Russia
30th October – a large but disorganised force of Red Guards defeated a Cossack attack at Pulkovo Heights, just outside Petrograd
28th October – Cossack troops advanced on the city
10th October – Lenin leaves his hiding place to travel to Petrgrad
Officer Cadets, loyal to the Provisional Government, attempted an uprising within the city – put down by the Red Guards
Kerensky able to win some support from some army units outside the Capital
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