Civil Rights 1963-72


AS - Level History Mind Map on Civil Rights 1963-72, created by Sally M on 23/03/2016.
Sally Mathias
Mapa Mental por Sally Mathias, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Sally Mathias
Creado por Sally Mathias hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Civil Rights 1963-72
  1. Malcolm X
    1. Unlike MLK, had radical views that Blacks and Whites couldn't live in harmony
      1. 1952- joined Nation of Islam
        1. 1964- split from NOI and went to Mecca
          1. Returned and set up Organistaion of Afro-American Unity
          2. Was shot in 1965 by a member of NOI
          3. Black Panthers and power
            1. Carmichael was replaced as head of SNCC by radical Brown in 1967
              1. CORE also elected more radical leaders- driven by the apartheid protests in Africa
                1. Panthers often involved in confrontation with police- 1969, 28 members shot
                  1. Their violent methods alienated many Black Americans- only had 5000 members at their peak
                    1. Helped move civil rights protests North into cities like NYC and California
                    2. Martin Luther King
                      1. Was present when Johnson signed in Civil Rights Bill in 1964
                        1. 1965- Selma to Montgomery march, black people attacked by police- on TV = many people shocked -> Johnson passed Voting Rights Act.
                          1. Chicago Campaign to end housing discrimination 1966, failure- too much white resistance
                            1. Shot in 1968- seen as unofficial leader of Civil Rights Movement
                            2. Cesar Chavez and the Chicano Movement
                              1. United Farmworkers' Union fought for better pay+ conditions for Hispanics
                                1. 1965 California Grape Strike lasted 5 years
                                  1. Registered 100,000 Hispanic voters
                                  2. By 1970's Chicano Movement had begun to splinter into moderate and radical factions
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