Russian Revolution


Mind map of Russian Revolution of the early 1900s
Lydia Klein
Mapa Mental por Lydia Klein, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Lydia Klein
Creado por Lydia Klein hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Russian Revolution
  1. Ancient Regime
    1. Economic Weakness
      1. peasents


        • the farm population bore a considerable share of the costs of industrialization. The paid redemption costs for being freed and paid high taxes, so they couldn't afford the food they grew. Tsar Alexander taxed cereals
      2. Political Weakness
        1. Weak Tsars


          • Tsars were reactionary and were not quick to make reforms neccessary 
        2. Pressure Groups
          1. Labor Parties


            • Marxists. saw revolution as an international movement. thought Russia had to develop capitalism before there was a revolution, dissapproved of violence and terrorist groups
          2. Dessertion of Intellectuals
            1. Russification


              • Jews were subjected to pogroms, and non-Russian people were exiled
            2. Class Antagonism
              1. peasants v nobles
            3. Rule of Moderates
              1. Reforms
                1. Duma


                  • Duma = parliamentary body The Revolution of 1905 brought soviets (councils of workers), who demanded a more democratic gov't. The Mensheviks led the October strike, and stopped railroads and newspapers until Nicholas issued the October Manifesto, which promised constitution, civil liberties, and a duma
                  1. Stolypin


                    • Peter Stolypin’s (prime minister 1906-1911) plan was to make reforms and thereby weaken the revolutionaries. He broadened the powers of zemstvos, abolished redemption payments, allowed the sale of land (favoring kulaks), and encouraging the poor to move to the cities as a mobile labor force                   
                  2. War
                    1. Japan


                      • Nicholas hoped war with Japan would create more attachment to the gov't, so in 1904, they went to war. The war ended quickly with Russian naval defeat and it had the opposite affect of what Nicholas had hoped. This brought the revolution of 1905
                      1. WW1


                        • The first three years of Russia brought many defeats to Russia. The Russian people did not want to fight a war that they got nothing out of. Both Tsar Nicholas and the Provisional Gov't made the mistake of reentering/continuing the war, which lost them the support of most Russians
                      2. Dual Sovereignty
                        1. Provisional Gov't v. Petrograd Soviet


                          • Petrograd Soviet called for the war to end but the Provisional Gov't opened a new offensive
                        2. Slow decision Making
                        3. Rule by Radicals
                          1. Fanatics-reign of terror
                            1. Bolsheviks


                              • Communist party. called for the end of the war without annexation or indemnities, and the abolition of landlord property
                              1. Lenin
                                1. "Peace, Land, Bread"


                                  • how Lenin gained popularity, be promising peasants what they wanted 
                                  1. October Revolution


                                    • The Bolsheviks captured telephone exchanges, railroad stations, and electric lighting plants; a warship turned its guns on the Winter Palace, successfully making a coup d' etat                  
                              2. Control of Key Organization
                                1. Council of People’s Commissars


                                  • replaced the Duma with this. Lenin was the head
                                2. Disciplined and Centralized
                                  1. Purges


                                    • 1934-38 Stalin executed any enemy of Russia. Over 4 million people were tried and convicted, although it was later revealed that they had been physchologically tortured. Many old Bolsheviks were killed, and the younger generation of them were more loyal 
                                    1. war communism


                                      • economic policy implement nationalized land, banks, and foreign trade. ended all private capitalism and took over factories and food production. The flow of resources and manpower was now controlled by the gov't 
                                    2. Authoritarian Gov't Established
                                      1. Machinery of dictatorship
                                        1. Red Army


                                          • Formed by Trotskey
                                          1. Cheka


                                            • secret police
                                          2. justification- external dangers
                                          3. Few in Numbers
                                            1. Bolshevik = minority
                                          4. Thermidor
                                            1. Gradual Return to conserv.
                                              1. Law & order
                                                1. five year plans


                                                  • goals were to strengthen and enrich the country, make it militarily and industrially self-sufficient 
                                                  1. collectivization


                                                    • collective farms were created, with peasants pooling land, labor, and capital. Many farmers slaughtered their animals rather than give them up, which led to famine in Southeast Russia and Ukraine which cost millions of lives. 
                                                  2. New ruling class
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                                                  3. The Bolshevik's Seizure of Power
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